6. Der Yorkshire Terrier stammt aus den ärmsten Schichten der Bewohner nordenglischer Industriestädte im 19. 51643 Gummersbach, Tel. RASSEN-KEURMEESTERS PER FCI GROEP. The only difference is that atypical Yorkshire Terriers should not intentionally be bred. Der Name Terrier kommt ursprünglich vom französischen Begriff terre (Erde). Hondenrassen.nl » Rassen. Als Terrier liegt ihm das jagen im Blut, so dass man hier am besten schon im Welpenalter ansetzt. The Yorkshire Terrier originated in Yorkshire, a county in northern England. [45], Like other small breeds, Yorkies are also prone to severe dental disease. Bij de verzorging van een Yorkshire Terriër is het ook van belang om scherp te zijn op gewrichts- en gebitsproblemen. "[24] The Yorkshire Terrier coat is said to fall out only when brushed or broken, or just said to not shed. Wir geben dir eine Übersicht über die von der FCI anerkannten Terrier-Rassen, die der Gruppe 3 zugeordnet werden. Er ist mitteilsam, inwiefern er sich zum echten Kläffer entwickelt, hängt sehr von seinen Menschen ab. Als die Industrialisierung in England einsetzte, kamen viele schottische Arbeiter vom Land in die großen Städte. Yorkshire Terriers are one of my hobbies.Ihave been breeding dogs for 25 years.I occasionally have puppies to approved homes.My puppies are lovingly house raised. Der Yorkshire Terrier ist furchtlos und hält sich selbst für deutlich größer, als er tatsächlich ist. Ideally its maximum size is 7 pounds. Menschen, die sich mit Terrier-Arten auskennen, machen stets Bemerkungen über die einzigartige Persönlichkeit des Terriers. [7] The Paisley Terrier, a smaller version of the Skye Terrier that was bred for a beautiful long silky coat, also figured into the early dogs. [39] Additionally, Yorkies often have a delicate digestive system, with vomiting or diarrhoea resulting from consumption of foods outside of a regular diet. Kosla, T., & Skibniewska, E. M. (2010). Molar teeth will develop at around 6 to 8 months old. Registered in Internationaler Hundefreude aller Rassen (IHR) -"Montella". Die Aufgaben des Yorkshire-Terrier bestanden darin, die Städte rein von Ratten und Mäusen zu halten, er wurde aber auch zur – illegalen – Jagd auf Kaninchen eingesetzt. Zu seiner Zucht wurden verschiedene Terrier-Arten miteinander gekreuzt, unter anderem der Dandie Dinmont Terrier, der Skye Terrier und Manchester Terrier. Die Fellpflege muss nicht besonders anspruchsvoll sein, kann es aber. On the head, high chest and legs, the hair should be a bright, rich tan, darker at the roots than in the middle, that shades into a lighter tan at the tips, but not for all dogs. Kenmerkend aan dit ras is onder andere de hoog geplaatste, gebogen ‘paardenstaart’ met lange luxepluim. From the back of the neck to the base of the tail, the coat should be a dark grey to a black colour, and the hair on the tail should be a darker black. [24], The Yorkshire Terrier is a tan dog with a blue saddle. De honden worden niet zo groot en wegen maar 3,1 kg of minder. These puppies are loyal guardians in nature. "[6] Yorkshire Terriers were shown in a dog show category (class) at the time called "Rough and Broken-coated, Broken-haired Scotch and Yorkshire Terriers". [60] Hypoglycaemia causes the puppy to become drowsy, listless (glassy-eyed), shaky, uncoordinated, since the brain relies on sugar to function. [22] The dog's dander and saliva typically trigger most allergic reactions. For example, a mature Yorkie may have a silver-blue with light brown, while another might have a black and creamy colour. Sie sollten gut erzogen werden, da sie sonst gerne ihr eigenes Ding durchziehen. Schnell wurde die Rasse aber auch beim Adel beliebter und auf Ausstellungen präsentiert. Another is the Biewer Terrier, which derives from the Yorkshire Terrier. Even though off-coloured Yorkshire Terriers are advertised at premium prices, being of an unusual or atypical colour is stated to be neither new, desirable, nor exotic. During a hypoglycaemic attack, the puppy usually has very pale or grey gums. Yorkshire Terriers do tend to bark a lot. Ook is het aan te raden om je terriër enkele keren per jaar naar de trimsalon te laten gaan. Adult Yorkshire Terriers whose coat colours deviate from the standard, or that have woolly or extra fine coats, are still Yorkshire Terriers. [4] But in the late 1860s, a popular Paisley-type Yorkshire Terrier show dog named Huddersfield Ben, owned by a woman living in Yorkshire, Mary Ann Foster, was seen at dog shows throughout Great Britain, and defined the breed type for the Yorkshire Terrier. The fine, straight, silky coat is considered hypoallergenic. : +49 (0) 22 61 - 9 15 50 - 99, info@oberberg.net Some of these such portmanteau-named crosses can be found on the page List of dog crossbreeds. 03 086 Yorkshire Terrier. Der Bullterrier ist durch Bücher, Filme und Werbung bekannt. Mit anderen Hunden kann er sich zu einem Raufer entwickeln. Weitere Ideen zu yorkshire terrier hund, yorkshire terrier, hunde. By around 8 months old, those teeth should fully develop. All dogs are up to date with vaccinations and health checks. "[33], It may take three or more years for the coat to reach its final colour. Er weiß genau was er will und setzt das auch durch, wenn sein Mensch ihm nichts entgegen zu setzen hat. The deciduous teeth will grow from the age of 3 to 8 weeks old, in the order of incisors, canines, and premolars. [17] The hair must be glossy, fine, straight, and silky. Sie brachten ihre einheimischen Hunde wie den Skye Terrier und den mittlerweile ausgestorbenen Clydesdale mit. Yorkshire Terrier Type Pure Bred MicrochipNumber 900164001976318. Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages. [16] The AKC ranked the Yorkshire Terrier as the 6th most popular purebred in the United States in 2012 and 2013. Auch die kleinsten Vertreter unter ihnen sind mit dem schneidigen Terrier-Temperament ausgestattet und können, ohne klare Führung, zu kleinen Haustyrannen werden. [30][31] The standard prescribes clearly defined fur-colors, and non-standard colours may indicate crossbreeding with other breeds or in rare cases even health problems. This can cause food and plaque to build up, and bacteria can eventually develop on the surface of the teeth, leading to periodontal disease. E-Mail: info(at)yorkshire-terrier-club.de, Internet: www.clubfueryorkshireterrier.de. They are naturally smart and quick to learn with many being food and/or praise motivated. Mentally sound and emotionally secure ones should normally not show the soft submissive temperament seen in lap dogs, although many exhibit this behaviour due to improper training. [21] The AKC registration form for Yorkshire Terriers allows for four choices: blue and tan, blue and gold, black and tan, black and gold. The club membership is to be inquired from the corresponding judge. Weitere Ideen zu terrierrassen, terrier, rasse. Benannt ist er nach der Grafschaft Yorkshire, in der er erstmals gezüchtet wurde. Socialised with other small dogs and cats. Hugh Dalziel, writing in 1878, says that "the classification of these dogs at shows and in the Kennel Club Stud Book is confusing and absurd" in lumping together these different types. The breed developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England. [62] A dog showing symptoms should be given sugar in the form of corn syrup or Nutri-Cal and be treated by a veterinarian immediately, as prolonged or recurring attacks of hypoglycaemia can permanently damage the dog's brain. [58] Hypoglycaemia and dehydration seem to go hand-in-hand, and force-feeding or injecting fluids may also be necessary. Sometimes the number of permanent or adult teeth may vary, which is fine as long as they do not cause bad bite. "[12] A show winner, Huddersfield Ben, through his puppies, helped define the Yorkshire Terrier breed. Der Yorkshire Terrier ist vor allem auch durch seine Größe ein guter Begleithund. Eine gute Sozialisierung mit verträglichen Hunden jeder Größe, ist sehr hilfreich, um ein angemessenes Verhalten fremden Hunden gegenüber zu erreichen. De Yorkshire terriër is een ras dat komt uit Groot Brittannië. Additionally, a toy dog such as the Yorkie is more likely to be injured by falls, other dogs, and owner clumsiness. Foster is quoted as saying in 1886, "If we consider that the mill operatives who originated the breed were nearly all ignorant men, unaccustomed to imparting information for public use, we may see some reason why reliable facts have not been easily attained. [1], For adult Yorkshire Terriers, importance is placed on coat colour, quality, and texture. Tiny Toy Overtakes Venerable Favorites - Golden Retriever and German Shepherd - as Second Most Popular Dog in America", "Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) Dog Breed Information", quote: "A responsible breeder will not intentionally breed for undesirable traits. Ook een goede oog-, oor- en tandhygiëne is van belang bij een Yorkshire Terriër. British dogs, their points, selection, and show preparation, by William D. Drury, pg 582 published 1903, L. Upcott Gill, London, and Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (no ISBN) Quote: "I think the Yorkshire gets the softness and length of coat due to Maltese blood". German Kennels IHR. (Usually, a puppy's body will absorb the roots of puppy teeth.) [5] Details are scarce. I knew straight away that we will have more than one Biewer in our house. Human toothpaste is not recommended, because it foams more easily and may be swallowed. Yorkie puppies have no molar teeth. 22.11.2020 - Erkunde Susanna Schneiders Pinnwand „Mini Yorkshire Terrier“ auf Pinterest. This makes them excellent watchdogs, as they will sound the alarm when anyone gets close. [63] Opposition to this practice began very early in the history of the breed; Hugh Dalziel, writing about Yorkshire Terriers in 1878, declared that "There is no reason for mutilating pet dogs, and perfect ears and tails should be bred, not clipped into shape with scissors. [43], Yorkies and other small dog breeds may have problems if the deciduous or baby teeth do not fall out as the permanent or adult teeth grow. Nimmt man ihn als “richtigen” Hund ernst und gestaltet die Erziehung und Auslastung entsprechend, ist er ein aktiver, nervenstarker und angenehmer Begleiter. Je kunt op die pagina ook zelf informatie toevoegen ! Sometimes the new teeth are forced to grow into an abnormal position and further cause a bad bite. It has a grey, black and tan coat. Der Richter darf die aufgeführten Rassen und die Rassen aller F.C.I.-Gruppen bewerten und Titel und Titelanwartschaften vergeben. Mit Kindern kann es Probleme geben, da der Yorkshire Terrier durch seine geringe Größe gerne als Spielzeug missbraucht wird, sich dies aber nicht gefallen lässt. Alle Terrier haben eine raue Schale aber ein goldenes Herz! [61] The puppy also may not eat unless force-fed. Some authorities believed that the Maltese was used as well. A barking problem can often be resolved with proper training and exercise. Der erste Rassestandard wurde 1898 aufgestellt. When researching Yorkshire Terrier breeders in Western Australia, it is important to find out as much about them as possible to ensure that they are responsible, ethical, and have their dogs’ best interests at heart. Gebe einen Begriff ein, über den du mehr erfahren möchtest! Honden in de rasgroep Terriers. The Biewer Terrier was introduced in America in 2003", Disqualification Directive, 26 September 2007, "Official Standard of the Yorkshire Terrier", "Longevity and mortality of owned dogs in England", "When Do Yorkie Puppies Lose Their Teeth? According to the standard, the ears must be small, V-shaped, carried erect and set not too far apart. Yorkshire. Terrier sind mutige, aber auch starrköpfige Hunde mit starker Persönlichkeit. Schließlich erforderte ihre ursprüngliche Aufgabe von ihnen eigenständige Entscheidungen zu treffen. [25] Although neither of those statements agree with what biologists, veterinarians, and allergists know about dog fur, allergists "think there really are differences in protein production between dogs that may help one patient and not another". Dr.-Ottmar-Kohler-Straße 1 [14] The breed's popularity dipped in the 1940s, when the percentage of small breed dogs registered fell to an all-time low of 18% of total registrations. [62] In severe cases, it can be fatal.[58]. Can you email me, text or call me if you have any questions. Er hat zwar die gleiche Abstammung wie der Pitbull, doch es handelt sich um zwei verschiedene Rassen. [41], The lifespan of a Yorkie is 13–20 years. The permanent or adult teeth will grow in the order of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Oberberg-Online Informationssysteme GmbH [32] Although the AKC will not deny registration of a Yorkshire Terrier on colour alone, meaning that particolours are now registerable with the AKC, the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America has a directive that "any solid colour or combination of colours other than black and tan" for adult dogs is a disqualification, and "dogs of solid colour, unusual combination of colours, and particolours should be disqualified. Additionally, a hypoglycaemic Yorkie may have a lower than normal body temperature and, in extreme cases, may have a seizure or go into a coma. [21] Coats may vary in colour. My heart was taken by Dakar - a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier puppy who arrived at my home on the 22/07/2012. Bootman of Halifax, England was printed in The Stock-Keeper, detailing the breed's origins, discussed pg 441-442 The American Book of the Dog, edited by G. O. Shields, Rand, McNally & Company, Publishers, Chicago and New York 1891 no ISBN. About Yorkshire Terriers A small, affectionate dog, the Yorkshire Terrier has been a popular breed all over the world for decades. Because they have a small jaw, their teeth can become crowded and may not fall out naturally. [29], Mismatched Yorkshire Terriers should not be crossed with Biewer Terriers, a new breed that originated in Germany. Soll das Fell lang sein, muss es einiges an Pflege bekommen, um nicht stumpf oder brüchig zu werden oder zu verfilzen. Welpenkauf: Wo finde ich meinen Traumwelpen. Trace Elements & Electrolytes, 27(4), 209–213. In addition, allergies can cause skin to be dry, itchy and/or red. Jahrhundert. Diesen Jagdtrieb haben sie vielfach auch bis heute noch nicht verloren. [8] "They were all originally bred from Scotch Terriers (meaning dogs from Scotland, not today's Scottish Terrier) and shown as such the name Yorkshire Terrier was given to them on account of their being improved so much in Yorkshire. [9], In the early days of the breed, "almost anything in the shape of a Terrier having a long coat with blue on the body and fawn or silver coloured head and legs, with tail docked and ears trimmed, was received and admired as a Yorkshire Terrier". Der Malteser trug zum längeren, seidigeren Fell bei. 05.10.2017 - Erkunde Brigitte Seilers Pinnwand „terrierrassen“ auf Pinterest. [18] The hair of the Yorkshire Terrier can be use to determine content of metals in the dog organism.[19]. A popular companion dog, the Yorkshire Terrier has also been part of the development of other breeds, such as the Silky Terrier. [40][42] Undersized Yorkies (under 3 lb or 1.4 kg) generally have a shorter life span, as they are especially prone to health problems such as chronic diarrhoea and vomiting; are more sensitive to anaesthesia; and are more easily injured. Golden Yorkie, judged as miscolour in normal Yorkshire breeding. But they are all individuals, with some being much more laid back than others, and the breeder should ideally be able to advise on the needs and temperaments of their particular line. 1 x smooth short coat male available pup in photo 5 still available All other pups SOLD Mum is a yorkshire terrier x fox terrier and dad is a smooth haired mini fox terrier Born and raised inside our home. Diese Charaktereigenschaft ist bis heute erhalten geblieben. Paintings and carvings of pigs over 25,000 years ago have been found. 27.09.2012 - FCI-Group 3, Section 2, Standard N° 8. ", from the US national breed club, "The Biewer Terrier Was Developed in Germany by Werner and Gertrude Biewer, Making Its Debut in Germany in 1986. [58] In rare cases, hypoglycaemia may continue to be a problem in mature, usually very small, Yorkies. The saddle is missing due to the recessive gene for red on the extension locus (see Dog coat genetics). [44] Retained teeth can cause tooth decay because food can be easily caught in between the deciduous and permanent teeth. When necessary, the retained deciduous or baby teeth need to be removed surgically. Section on the Yorkshire written by P. H. Combs, The Dogs of the British Islands, pg 212, by John Henry Walsh, The Field publisher, 1878, Third Edition. Der Yorkshire Terrier braucht keinen Hundesport zu seinem Glück, liebt aber lange Spaziergänge. [40], As with all other dogs, Yorkies have two sets of teeth in their life. Fell: mittellang, glatt, glänzend, seidig, Farbe: stahlblau; an Kopf, Brust und Beinen lohfarben, häufige Krankheiten: Schiddrüsenunterfunktion, Patellaluxation, FCI Gruppe 3, Sektion 4: Zwerg-Terrier, ohne Arbeitsprüfung. www.oberberg.net, Entwicklung, Aufbau und Leistungen von Pflanzen, Straßenhunde und ihr neues Leben in Deutschland. In 1878, John Walsh described similar preparations: the coat is "well greased" with coconut oil, the dog is bathed weekly, and the dog's feet are "carefully kept in stockings". YOU MAY ALSO LIKE. They thrive on attention and love. FCI group 1 – Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs) ... Yorkshire Terrier, males: Yorkshire Terrier, females: West Highland White Terrier: Welsh Terrier: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, males: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, females: Skye Terrier: The pictures both parents are included When puppies are born, they have no teeth because milk is the only food they need. Da der Yorkshire Terrier zu Selbstüberschätzung neigt, muss man ihn im Umgang mit fremden Hunden manchmal vor sich selbst retten. Es kommt bei dem Zusammenleben mit deinem Hund immer auf da… Es gibt über 40 verschiedene Terrier-Rassen, von denen aber nicht alle von der FCI anerkannt sind. Weitere Ideen zu terrier, australischer terrier, silky terrier. [20] In addition, care may be more difficult for "woolly" or "cottony" textured coats, or coats that are overly fine. They are all pedigree dogs. Fröhlich, temperamentvoll, selbstbewusst und anhänglich. [17][18] The traditional long coat is extremely high maintenance. Yorkshire terriër. For shows, the coat is left long, and may be trimmed to floor length to give ease of movement and a neater appearance. The coat might get knotted if not brushed daily. [23] Allergists recognise that at times a particular allergy patient will be able to tolerate a particular dog, but they agree that "the luck of the few with their pets cannot be stretched to fit all allergic people and entire breeds of dogs. In its turn, other breeds have been created from the Yorkshire Terrier, such as the Silky Terrier. Tibetan terrier-intelligent, mischievous, dedicated to its family, its sensitivity to the moods of its owners makes this dog an excellent companion that can be happy in almost any home environment, gentle, loyal, great watchdog, is only a terrier in size, bred and raised in monasteries by lamas almost 2,000 years ago, the Tibetan Terrier was known as the “Holy Dogs of Tibet.” … Mrs A. Often, a Yorkshire Terrier's dewclaws, if any, are removed in the first few days of life,[17] another controversial practice. Sie sind temperamentvolle, dynamische Hunde , deren Größe von ziemlich klein , wie beim Norfolk , Cairn , oder dem West Highland White Terrier , bis hin zum großen Airedale Terrier reichen kann. Seine Aufgabe war es, die Städte frei von Mäusen und Ratten zu halten. Trotz der geringen Größe, tut man sich einen großen Gefallen, ihn konsequent zu erziehen. The particolour coat is white with black-blue and tan. The final colour is usually a black or greyish colour. [47] The following are among the most common congenital defects that affect Yorkies: Low blood sugar in puppies, or transient juvenile hypoglycaemia, is caused by fasting (too much time between meals). ", "Different Stages of Puppy Dental Development", "Caring For Your Yorkshire Terrier: Common Health Problems", "Hereditary and Congenital Diseases of Purebred Dogs", "Breed Predisposition to Disease and Congenital Conditions", "Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (or Legg-Perthes disease)", "Legg Perthe's Disease: What you Should Know", "Cushing's Disease & the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel", "Dealing with Your Chihuahua's Health Issues (Adapted from, http://www.yorkiesllc.com/yorkieinfo/yorkiehypoglycemia.html, "Crufts Best in Show Roll of Honour 1990 - 1999", "Smoky 'Corporal Smoky' United States Army/Air Corps", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yorkshire_Terrier&oldid=1003103880, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, In 1997, Champion Ozmilion Mystification became the first Yorkie to win Best in Show at, Sylvia, a matchbox-sized Yorkshire Terrier owned by Arthur Marples of, This page was last edited on 27 January 2021, at 12:30. Es wird angenommen, dass er durch Kreuzung mehrerer Rassen entstand, unter denen am häufigsten der Skye Terrier vertreten war, eventuell unter weiterer Beteiligung des Maltesers. [38], Health issues often seen in the Yorkshire Terrier include bronchitis, lymphangiectasia, portosystemic shunt, cataracts, and keratitis sicca. Fax. Een biewer Yorkshire terriër is een elegante, langharige, driekleurige kleine terriër. [29] Some Yorkshire Terriers are solid golden, they only produce pheomelanin, others are liver or chocolate, a brown colour; they produce brown eumelanin instead of black eumelanin. The second set is the 42-piece permanent or adult teeth. [1][3] In the mid-19th century, workers from Scotland came to Yorkshire in search of work and brought with them several different varieties of terriers. Two other breeds that look similar to the Yorkshire Terrier and have shorter hair are the prick-eared Norwich Terrier, along with its drop-eared relative the Norfolk Terrier. Terrier ist die Bezeichnung für verschiedene kleine und mittelgroße Hunderassen. [58] Factors such as stress, fatigue, a cold environment, poor nutrition, and a change in diet or feeding schedule may bring on hypoglycaemia. [68], P. H. Combs in The American Book of the Dog, pg 443, edited by G. O. Shields, Rand, McNally & Company, Publishers, Chicago and New York 1891 no ISBN, Mrs A Foster of Bradford, England, quoted by James Watson in the Century Magazine in 1886; on page 441 of The American Book of the Dog, pg 454, edited by G. O. Shields, Rand, McNally & Company, Publishers, Chicago and New York 1891, no ISBN, 1885 article by Ed. They are registered with Verein Internationaler Hundefreunde aller Rassen ((IHR) e.v. [59] Low blood sugar can also be the result of a bacterial infection, parasite or portosystemic liver shunt. ", "An Important Note About Colour in Yorkshire Terriers", from the US national breed club, Jeffrey Adelglass, M.D., ear, nose, throat and allergy information, "Parti-Color Yorkshire Terriers? [34][35], Owners may trim the hair short for easier care. It is often seen in Yorkie puppies at 5 to 16 weeks of age. Zijn unieke zijdezachte vacht heeft typische kleuren die hem onderscheidt van de ‘gewone’ Yorkshire … Because they were developed as a working breed, many need a lot of both physical and mental stimulation—with both long walks/runs but also indoor games and training to keep their mind busy. Dalmador Puppies (Labrador x Dalmatian) Ready 16/03/21 Delivery Available Australia Wide! Seine Aufgabe war es, die Städte frei von Mäusen und Ratten zu halten. Colour alone will not affect whether or not a dog is a good companion and pet. Wenn der Yorkshire Terrier gut erzogen und ausgelastet ist, ist er allerdings ein toller, robuster Begleiter in allen Lebenslagen. Professional teeth cleaning by a veterinarian may also be required to prevent the development of dental problems.[46]. Some believe that pigs were the earliest animal to be domesticated, not the cat or dog. Sie finden hier Die Liste von 47 Terrier Rassen mit Bildern. Elaborate coat care dates from the earliest days of the breed. In addition, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body and cause heart and kidney problems. Aufgrund seines körperlichen Erscheinungsbildes ist dies eine der eigentümlichsten Terrierrassen. The best prevention is regular brushing of the teeth with a toothpaste formulated specifically for dogs. It has a grey, black and tan coat. [15] Smoky, a Yorkshire Terrier and famous war dog from World War II, is credited with beginning a renewal of interest in the breed. Du willst alles zu Terrier Rassen wissen? Yorkie puppies will start to lose their deciduous or baby teeth when the permanent or adult teeth come in. Traditionally, the Yorkshire Terrier's tail is docked to a medium length. The content of aluminum in the hair of Yorkshire terrier dogs from the Warsaw area depending on sex, age and keeping conditions. Demand for unusual pets has resulted in high prices being paid for Yorkshire Terriers crossed with various other breeds, which are described with a portmanteau word made up of syllables (or sounds) from Yorkshire Terrier and the breed name of the other parent. Trotz seines niedlichen Äußeren, ist der Yorkshire Terrier im Grunde seines Herzens ein echter Terrier. They were originally “ratters” - bred to catch rats - for the working class of England, and were one of the first AKC registered breeds after their move to the United States in the late 1800s. Member since June, 2009; Next Litter Planned: Unknown. Klik op een ras voor meer informatie. Die meisten Terrier-Rassen zeigen daher ein ausgeprägtes Jagdverhalten, besitzen viel Ausdauer, sind mutig und zielstrebig und oft auch streitlustig.
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