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powecom kn95 test results ��L���`�M0yLr!T2*�H�(�R6�H2���H�oee`bd`f�20ҕ����-@� �CT It covers our testing method and provides the original data. Test Results . … 18.50 for Pack of 10 | KN95 Powecom Face Mask is the highest graded KN95 FDA approved mask. The core stage of the rocket, which is the part that will provide the oomph to … These masks, known as KN95, ... said that the F.D.A.’s reaction to the test results showed the agency hadn’t properly screened the masks before approving them for medical use. Shop it: Powecom KN95 Masks (10-pack), $13 (was $15), amazon.com “If your source for a KN95 mask is reliable, you should be fine,” explains Dr. Schaffner. POWECOM . %PDF-1.5 %���� 0 You can read the test report here Our POWECOM KN95 masks are FDA Emergency use authorized, genuine and made in accordance with industry standards.The 5-ply foldable mask has up to 95% filtration efficiency of non-oily suspended particles of 0.3 micron levels. "(see appended table)" refers to a table appended to the report. 4 layers Made from non woven fabric moisture resistant non toxic non irritating. The 10-pack of disposable masks usually sells for $14.95, but is marked down 16% today, which is the best discount we've seen in 30 days. an employee from powecom emailed me and said the following: '' Thanks so much for the email and I hope all is well! KN95 mask is not intended for use as a surgical mask or to provide liquid barrier protection. Powecom KN95 respirator masks provide the b h�bbd```b``:"g����f/����dX��� ����_0�V�f+�H�(YR$뎀��@�߇�L@{5A�@$��c ��9 Powecom KN95 Mask can isolate smaller particles, and fits tightly to the face, to prevent leaking and the filtration efficiency reaches >95% under standard conditions. - KN95 (Powecom, green) - 99% - KN95 (Porncom, black) - 86% (far below the 95% standard) - N95 (3M 8210 Plus) - 99% Filtration of 0.3um particulates when worn on a face: Note: The white Powecom masks were tested by NIOSH/NPPTL 10x with 10 masks in each batch, test results can be found here [] which shows that … Das beste KN95 Mundschutz Produkt bzw. This article accompanies our article on the reliability of KN95 masks being produced in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. China N95 Masks – Test Method During our mask tests, we followed as closely as possible the testing method used to certify N95 and KN95 masks. NASA's long-awaited Space Launch System (SLS) was tested in Mississippi this past weekend. BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A recent test from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that all of the KN95 masks they looked at fell below the FDA's 95 percent filtration efficiency standard.A portion of the masks brought over from China by the Patriots plane last month were KN95 masks, as opposed to the FDA-approved N95 respirators.. Powecom's KN95 face masks are on the FDA EUA List, meaning the masks/respirators have been approved for Emergency Use Authorization in healthcare settings in accordance with CDC recommendations. During the COVID19 pandemic, the CDC and the FDA added the Powecom KN95 Protection Mask to the list of approved suppliers of masks. The dripping test … Throughout this report a comma is used as the decimal separator. Intended Use The intended use of the KN95 protective masks is to protect the wearers against non-toxic solid, particulates, powder, PM2.5 smog, dust, saliva, suitable for non-oil particles. 926 0 obj <>stream KN95 masks from Powecom offer multilayer protection. For Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., LTD. KN95 CE certificate, please click here. For those that need an additional layer of protection, KN95 masks are the perfect option. The test results below indicate the performance of the specific mask tested. "(see remark #)" refers to a remark appended to the report. h�b```f``�������� Ȁ �@ �x���z��öF��B{.0t4pt ��.f`Tf`�eVf�gla�d�eTe��p��9C"�yq`�¯��T �x���i&��3��� �DZ jy� Sale Sold out. Earloop attachment Black color 5 Layer Face Protection Filtration >95% Lightweight and fordable Powecom brand KN95 10 pack of masks View the NPPTL Test Powecom masks are FDA Authorized by EUA for emergency use. The test results presented in this report relate only to the item tested. For high-touch workers like Hair & Makeup, pair one of these with a face shield! Basically the tests you are trying to make the mask pass aren't real tests. POWECOM KN95 masks are Ideal for daily use, helping prevent the spread of germs and protect yourself from airborne particles, viruses, pollen and other allergens. 905 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<81BE0C059203BF449AE7F3CF3AA383B2><2BC8A3884DCBE14089645A408C57D686>]/Index[885 42]/Info 884 0 R/Length 101/Prev 1376909/Root 886 0 R/Size 927/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream These are earloop-style masks that come in packs of 10, and are fully NPPTL tested and on the CDC whitelist for EUA use. Powecom KN95 masks are available right now, so scoop them up. Adjustable nose bridge and elastic earloop has enough elasticity to make a good seal. These results do not More details can be found directly on the FDA website, Powecom is listed in Appendix A: Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China []. It comes down to whether you’re concerned about spreading COVID-19, … The test results below indicate the performance of the specific mask tested. %PDF-1.5 %���� When determining the test result, measurement uncertainty has been considered. 99% filtration, provides anti-bacterial and anti-dust protection POWECOM KN95 MASK Smooth Breathing Flexible metal fastening strip ensures optimal sealing between the bridge of the nose and the mask. Item Tested: KN95 Protective Mask Country of Certification: China (GB2626-2006 KN95) Regular price from $16.99 Sale price from $16.99 Regular price $31.97 Unit price / per . Test date – 4/18/20 - Filtration efficiency: 90.6% Test date – 4/17/20 – Filtration efficiency: 92 % . 3D three dimensional design with fluffy breathable and soft material will not cause the fog when wearing glasses. die besten KN95-Mundschutzmasken. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has removed its Emergency Use Authorization for several KN95 masks, which are made in China, after they failed to meet a minimum particulate filtration efficiency of 95% in National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health testing. endstream endobj startxref %%EOF NPPTL COVID-19 Response: International Respirator Assessment Evaluation of International Respirators Test: Modified TEB-APR-STP-0059 Date Tested: April 22, 2020 Report Prepared: April 23, 2020 Manufacturer: Guangzhou Baoweikang (Powecom) Personal Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. 0 More details can be found directly on the FDA website, Powecom is listed in Appendix A: Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China []. You may want to keep a few N95 or KN95 masks handy, even if you won’t be using them every day. Masks manufactured by Powecom are FDA Authorized by EUA for emergency use. Bona Fide Masks™ (www.bonafidemasks.com) and Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., Ltd. are proud to confirm that Bona Fide Masks is … Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Powecom KN95 Protective Mask: FudakinLED Lighting Ltd. 2020-05-27: FYi Doctors Eye Care Services: 2020-05-26: Guangzhou Suiji Biotechnology Co., Ltd. KN95 Three-Dimensional Protective Respirator: 1848679 Alberta Ltd: 2020-07-13: Guangzhou Sunjoy Auto Supplies Co., Ltd. SUNJOY K1: n/a: n/a: ‘IT IS NOT scientific to test qualified KN95 masks with too much water. The filtration tests the U.S. Government is doing mean more, and the real powecoms are passing just fine. Aoxing Kids KN95 Face coverings. show passing results at higher velocities are more fluid resistant. The added protection of KN95, now in black! In regards to the water test, please see below statement from one of the heads of Powecom. (Photo: Amazon) Our experts tell Yahoo Life that three-ply disposable masks or … Respirators help protect against certain particulate contaminants but do not eliminate exposure to or the risk of contracting any disease or infection. Powecom masks were tested by NIOSH/NPPTL 10x with 10 masks in each batch, test results can be found here [] which shows that they have well over 95% efficiency. Powecom KN95 Respirator EUA/CDC. CDC - National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Tested 99.76% FILTRATION EFFICIENCY Complete CDC Test Report Full PDF Document (12 pages) Powecom is one of the largest manufacturers of KN95 masks and one of the first to receive FDA emergency use authorization. h�b```f``������$�A��2�@q�/�&�a32���^��z�1b��)Lv��"�E9x�ك���H00���6w{t.P/�w���ƅ"ӎ�EK ��r Y1���Μ�m&J�R @��Laс"B�@��DTi! endstream endobj 155 0 obj <. 183 0 obj <>stream 154 0 obj <> endobj �ƔA�1�u?�z�=�q�>�)�K����2�axǥ������ c �;�;��kD��z�@���u��nce�Ҍ@�` �T� If you would like to know the difference between a KN95 and an N95 read our article "What Is The Difference Between An N95 and KN95 Mask." We are Powecom's PREMIER AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR in the United States and Canada for the Powecom KN95, which has been tested by the NPPTL and CDC repeatedly for its filtration efficiency of equal to or greater than 95%. It is recommended to wear a Powecom KN95 Mask, if … %%EOF This Powecom KN95 Mask can isolate smaller particles, and fits tighter to the face, it is not easy to leak air from the periphery, and the filtration efficiency of particulate matter reaches >95% under standard conditions. Milky Way Edeka, Cane Corso Beige, Geschäfte Kitzbühel öffnungszeiten, Pneumologie Mainz Uniklinik, Glaubensabtrünniger 7 Buchstaben, " /> ��L���`�M0yLr!T2*�H�(�R6�H2���H�oee`bd`f�20ҕ����-@� �CT It covers our testing method and provides the original data. Test Results . … 18.50 for Pack of 10 | KN95 Powecom Face Mask is the highest graded KN95 FDA approved mask. The core stage of the rocket, which is the part that will provide the oomph to … These masks, known as KN95, ... said that the F.D.A.’s reaction to the test results showed the agency hadn’t properly screened the masks before approving them for medical use. Shop it: Powecom KN95 Masks (10-pack), $13 (was $15), amazon.com “If your source for a KN95 mask is reliable, you should be fine,” explains Dr. Schaffner. POWECOM . %PDF-1.5 %���� 0 You can read the test report here Our POWECOM KN95 masks are FDA Emergency use authorized, genuine and made in accordance with industry standards.The 5-ply foldable mask has up to 95% filtration efficiency of non-oily suspended particles of 0.3 micron levels. "(see appended table)" refers to a table appended to the report. 4 layers Made from non woven fabric moisture resistant non toxic non irritating. The 10-pack of disposable masks usually sells for $14.95, but is marked down 16% today, which is the best discount we've seen in 30 days. an employee from powecom emailed me and said the following: '' Thanks so much for the email and I hope all is well! KN95 mask is not intended for use as a surgical mask or to provide liquid barrier protection. Powecom KN95 respirator masks provide the b h�bbd```b``:"g����f/����dX��� ����_0�V�f+�H�(YR$뎀��@�߇�L@{5A�@$��c ��9 Powecom KN95 Mask can isolate smaller particles, and fits tightly to the face, to prevent leaking and the filtration efficiency reaches >95% under standard conditions. - KN95 (Powecom, green) - 99% - KN95 (Porncom, black) - 86% (far below the 95% standard) - N95 (3M 8210 Plus) - 99% Filtration of 0.3um particulates when worn on a face: Note: The white Powecom masks were tested by NIOSH/NPPTL 10x with 10 masks in each batch, test results can be found here [] which shows that … Das beste KN95 Mundschutz Produkt bzw. This article accompanies our article on the reliability of KN95 masks being produced in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. China N95 Masks – Test Method During our mask tests, we followed as closely as possible the testing method used to certify N95 and KN95 masks. NASA's long-awaited Space Launch System (SLS) was tested in Mississippi this past weekend. BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A recent test from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that all of the KN95 masks they looked at fell below the FDA's 95 percent filtration efficiency standard.A portion of the masks brought over from China by the Patriots plane last month were KN95 masks, as opposed to the FDA-approved N95 respirators.. Powecom's KN95 face masks are on the FDA EUA List, meaning the masks/respirators have been approved for Emergency Use Authorization in healthcare settings in accordance with CDC recommendations. During the COVID19 pandemic, the CDC and the FDA added the Powecom KN95 Protection Mask to the list of approved suppliers of masks. The dripping test … Throughout this report a comma is used as the decimal separator. Intended Use The intended use of the KN95 protective masks is to protect the wearers against non-toxic solid, particulates, powder, PM2.5 smog, dust, saliva, suitable for non-oil particles. 926 0 obj <>stream KN95 masks from Powecom offer multilayer protection. For Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., LTD. KN95 CE certificate, please click here. For those that need an additional layer of protection, KN95 masks are the perfect option. The test results below indicate the performance of the specific mask tested. "(see remark #)" refers to a remark appended to the report. h�b```f``�������� Ȁ �@ �x���z��öF��B{.0t4pt ��.f`Tf`�eVf�gla�d�eTe��p��9C"�yq`�¯��T �x���i&��3��� �DZ jy� Sale Sold out. Earloop attachment Black color 5 Layer Face Protection Filtration >95% Lightweight and fordable Powecom brand KN95 10 pack of masks View the NPPTL Test Powecom masks are FDA Authorized by EUA for emergency use. The test results presented in this report relate only to the item tested. For high-touch workers like Hair & Makeup, pair one of these with a face shield! Basically the tests you are trying to make the mask pass aren't real tests. POWECOM KN95 masks are Ideal for daily use, helping prevent the spread of germs and protect yourself from airborne particles, viruses, pollen and other allergens. 905 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<81BE0C059203BF449AE7F3CF3AA383B2><2BC8A3884DCBE14089645A408C57D686>]/Index[885 42]/Info 884 0 R/Length 101/Prev 1376909/Root 886 0 R/Size 927/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream These are earloop-style masks that come in packs of 10, and are fully NPPTL tested and on the CDC whitelist for EUA use. Powecom KN95 masks are available right now, so scoop them up. Adjustable nose bridge and elastic earloop has enough elasticity to make a good seal. These results do not More details can be found directly on the FDA website, Powecom is listed in Appendix A: Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China []. It comes down to whether you’re concerned about spreading COVID-19, … The test results below indicate the performance of the specific mask tested. %PDF-1.5 %���� When determining the test result, measurement uncertainty has been considered. 99% filtration, provides anti-bacterial and anti-dust protection POWECOM KN95 MASK Smooth Breathing Flexible metal fastening strip ensures optimal sealing between the bridge of the nose and the mask. Item Tested: KN95 Protective Mask Country of Certification: China (GB2626-2006 KN95) Regular price from $16.99 Sale price from $16.99 Regular price $31.97 Unit price / per . Test date – 4/18/20 - Filtration efficiency: 90.6% Test date – 4/17/20 – Filtration efficiency: 92 % . 3D three dimensional design with fluffy breathable and soft material will not cause the fog when wearing glasses. die besten KN95-Mundschutzmasken. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has removed its Emergency Use Authorization for several KN95 masks, which are made in China, after they failed to meet a minimum particulate filtration efficiency of 95% in National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health testing. endstream endobj startxref %%EOF NPPTL COVID-19 Response: International Respirator Assessment Evaluation of International Respirators Test: Modified TEB-APR-STP-0059 Date Tested: April 22, 2020 Report Prepared: April 23, 2020 Manufacturer: Guangzhou Baoweikang (Powecom) Personal Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. 0 More details can be found directly on the FDA website, Powecom is listed in Appendix A: Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China []. You may want to keep a few N95 or KN95 masks handy, even if you won’t be using them every day. Masks manufactured by Powecom are FDA Authorized by EUA for emergency use. Bona Fide Masks™ (www.bonafidemasks.com) and Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., Ltd. are proud to confirm that Bona Fide Masks is … Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Powecom KN95 Protective Mask: FudakinLED Lighting Ltd. 2020-05-27: FYi Doctors Eye Care Services: 2020-05-26: Guangzhou Suiji Biotechnology Co., Ltd. KN95 Three-Dimensional Protective Respirator: 1848679 Alberta Ltd: 2020-07-13: Guangzhou Sunjoy Auto Supplies Co., Ltd. SUNJOY K1: n/a: n/a: ‘IT IS NOT scientific to test qualified KN95 masks with too much water. The filtration tests the U.S. Government is doing mean more, and the real powecoms are passing just fine. Aoxing Kids KN95 Face coverings. show passing results at higher velocities are more fluid resistant. The added protection of KN95, now in black! In regards to the water test, please see below statement from one of the heads of Powecom. (Photo: Amazon) Our experts tell Yahoo Life that three-ply disposable masks or … Respirators help protect against certain particulate contaminants but do not eliminate exposure to or the risk of contracting any disease or infection. Powecom masks were tested by NIOSH/NPPTL 10x with 10 masks in each batch, test results can be found here [] which shows that they have well over 95% efficiency. Powecom KN95 Respirator EUA/CDC. CDC - National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Tested 99.76% FILTRATION EFFICIENCY Complete CDC Test Report Full PDF Document (12 pages) Powecom is one of the largest manufacturers of KN95 masks and one of the first to receive FDA emergency use authorization. h�b```f``������$�A��2�@q�/�&�a32���^��z�1b��)Lv��"�E9x�ك���H00���6w{t.P/�w���ƅ"ӎ�EK ��r Y1���Μ�m&J�R @��Laс"B�@��DTi! endstream endobj 155 0 obj <. 183 0 obj <>stream 154 0 obj <> endobj �ƔA�1�u?�z�=�q�>�)�K����2�axǥ������ c �;�;��kD��z�@���u��nce�Ҍ@�` �T� If you would like to know the difference between a KN95 and an N95 read our article "What Is The Difference Between An N95 and KN95 Mask." We are Powecom's PREMIER AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR in the United States and Canada for the Powecom KN95, which has been tested by the NPPTL and CDC repeatedly for its filtration efficiency of equal to or greater than 95%. It is recommended to wear a Powecom KN95 Mask, if … %%EOF This Powecom KN95 Mask can isolate smaller particles, and fits tighter to the face, it is not easy to leak air from the periphery, and the filtration efficiency of particulate matter reaches >95% under standard conditions. Milky Way Edeka, Cane Corso Beige, Geschäfte Kitzbühel öffnungszeiten, Pneumologie Mainz Uniklinik, Glaubensabtrünniger 7 Buchstaben, " />

endstream endobj startxref ll Vergleiche jetzt das beste KN95 Mundschutz Produkt bzw.die besten KN95-Mundschutzmasken miteinander und entscheide Dich für den KN95 Mundschutz Testsieger.Wir hoffen Dir bei der Auswahl eine Hilfe zu sein und wünschen uns, dass Du bei dem KN95 Mundschutz Test dass für Dich perfekte … Earloop attachment 5 Layer Face Protection Filtration >95% Lightweight and fordable Powecom brand KN95 10 pack of masks Not individually wrapp Powecom KN95 Respirator EUA/CDC. Visit CDC website for additional information on this . Misuse of a respirator can result in exposures that can result in sickness or death. endstream endobj 886 0 obj <. The results of these tests are for the sample tested and may or may not be … Basically a water test will prove nothing on a kn95 and trying to set it on fire might prove something. 885 0 obj <> endobj 173 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<286905CAF2E38C48BEA610EB715BC2CA><9A5D571DD1D9D94396BE26B0FB0815DC>]/Index[154 30]/Info 153 0 R/Length 97/Prev 251618/Root 155 0 R/Size 184/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream h�bbd```b``���@$�\���~"Y>��L���`�M0yLr!T2*�H�(�R6�H2���H�oee`bd`f�20ҕ����-@� �CT It covers our testing method and provides the original data. Test Results . … 18.50 for Pack of 10 | KN95 Powecom Face Mask is the highest graded KN95 FDA approved mask. The core stage of the rocket, which is the part that will provide the oomph to … These masks, known as KN95, ... said that the F.D.A.’s reaction to the test results showed the agency hadn’t properly screened the masks before approving them for medical use. Shop it: Powecom KN95 Masks (10-pack), $13 (was $15), amazon.com “If your source for a KN95 mask is reliable, you should be fine,” explains Dr. Schaffner. POWECOM . %PDF-1.5 %���� 0 You can read the test report here Our POWECOM KN95 masks are FDA Emergency use authorized, genuine and made in accordance with industry standards.The 5-ply foldable mask has up to 95% filtration efficiency of non-oily suspended particles of 0.3 micron levels. "(see appended table)" refers to a table appended to the report. 4 layers Made from non woven fabric moisture resistant non toxic non irritating. The 10-pack of disposable masks usually sells for $14.95, but is marked down 16% today, which is the best discount we've seen in 30 days. an employee from powecom emailed me and said the following: '' Thanks so much for the email and I hope all is well! KN95 mask is not intended for use as a surgical mask or to provide liquid barrier protection. Powecom KN95 respirator masks provide the b h�bbd```b``:"g����f/����dX��� ����_0�V�f+�H�(YR$뎀��@�߇�L@{5A�@$��c ��9 Powecom KN95 Mask can isolate smaller particles, and fits tightly to the face, to prevent leaking and the filtration efficiency reaches >95% under standard conditions. - KN95 (Powecom, green) - 99% - KN95 (Porncom, black) - 86% (far below the 95% standard) - N95 (3M 8210 Plus) - 99% Filtration of 0.3um particulates when worn on a face: Note: The white Powecom masks were tested by NIOSH/NPPTL 10x with 10 masks in each batch, test results can be found here [] which shows that … Das beste KN95 Mundschutz Produkt bzw. This article accompanies our article on the reliability of KN95 masks being produced in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. China N95 Masks – Test Method During our mask tests, we followed as closely as possible the testing method used to certify N95 and KN95 masks. NASA's long-awaited Space Launch System (SLS) was tested in Mississippi this past weekend. BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A recent test from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that all of the KN95 masks they looked at fell below the FDA's 95 percent filtration efficiency standard.A portion of the masks brought over from China by the Patriots plane last month were KN95 masks, as opposed to the FDA-approved N95 respirators.. Powecom's KN95 face masks are on the FDA EUA List, meaning the masks/respirators have been approved for Emergency Use Authorization in healthcare settings in accordance with CDC recommendations. During the COVID19 pandemic, the CDC and the FDA added the Powecom KN95 Protection Mask to the list of approved suppliers of masks. The dripping test … Throughout this report a comma is used as the decimal separator. Intended Use The intended use of the KN95 protective masks is to protect the wearers against non-toxic solid, particulates, powder, PM2.5 smog, dust, saliva, suitable for non-oil particles. 926 0 obj <>stream KN95 masks from Powecom offer multilayer protection. For Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., LTD. KN95 CE certificate, please click here. For those that need an additional layer of protection, KN95 masks are the perfect option. The test results below indicate the performance of the specific mask tested. "(see remark #)" refers to a remark appended to the report. h�b```f``�������� Ȁ �@ �x���z��öF��B{.0t4pt ��.f`Tf`�eVf�gla�d�eTe��p��9C"�yq`�¯��T �x���i&��3��� �DZ jy� Sale Sold out. Earloop attachment Black color 5 Layer Face Protection Filtration >95% Lightweight and fordable Powecom brand KN95 10 pack of masks View the NPPTL Test Powecom masks are FDA Authorized by EUA for emergency use. The test results presented in this report relate only to the item tested. For high-touch workers like Hair & Makeup, pair one of these with a face shield! Basically the tests you are trying to make the mask pass aren't real tests. POWECOM KN95 masks are Ideal for daily use, helping prevent the spread of germs and protect yourself from airborne particles, viruses, pollen and other allergens. 905 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<81BE0C059203BF449AE7F3CF3AA383B2><2BC8A3884DCBE14089645A408C57D686>]/Index[885 42]/Info 884 0 R/Length 101/Prev 1376909/Root 886 0 R/Size 927/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream These are earloop-style masks that come in packs of 10, and are fully NPPTL tested and on the CDC whitelist for EUA use. Powecom KN95 masks are available right now, so scoop them up. Adjustable nose bridge and elastic earloop has enough elasticity to make a good seal. These results do not More details can be found directly on the FDA website, Powecom is listed in Appendix A: Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China []. It comes down to whether you’re concerned about spreading COVID-19, … The test results below indicate the performance of the specific mask tested. %PDF-1.5 %���� When determining the test result, measurement uncertainty has been considered. 99% filtration, provides anti-bacterial and anti-dust protection POWECOM KN95 MASK Smooth Breathing Flexible metal fastening strip ensures optimal sealing between the bridge of the nose and the mask. Item Tested: KN95 Protective Mask Country of Certification: China (GB2626-2006 KN95) Regular price from $16.99 Sale price from $16.99 Regular price $31.97 Unit price / per . Test date – 4/18/20 - Filtration efficiency: 90.6% Test date – 4/17/20 – Filtration efficiency: 92 % . 3D three dimensional design with fluffy breathable and soft material will not cause the fog when wearing glasses. die besten KN95-Mundschutzmasken. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has removed its Emergency Use Authorization for several KN95 masks, which are made in China, after they failed to meet a minimum particulate filtration efficiency of 95% in National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health testing. endstream endobj startxref %%EOF NPPTL COVID-19 Response: International Respirator Assessment Evaluation of International Respirators Test: Modified TEB-APR-STP-0059 Date Tested: April 22, 2020 Report Prepared: April 23, 2020 Manufacturer: Guangzhou Baoweikang (Powecom) Personal Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. 0 More details can be found directly on the FDA website, Powecom is listed in Appendix A: Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China []. You may want to keep a few N95 or KN95 masks handy, even if you won’t be using them every day. Masks manufactured by Powecom are FDA Authorized by EUA for emergency use. Bona Fide Masks™ (www.bonafidemasks.com) and Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., Ltd. are proud to confirm that Bona Fide Masks is … Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Powecom KN95 Protective Mask: FudakinLED Lighting Ltd. 2020-05-27: FYi Doctors Eye Care Services: 2020-05-26: Guangzhou Suiji Biotechnology Co., Ltd. KN95 Three-Dimensional Protective Respirator: 1848679 Alberta Ltd: 2020-07-13: Guangzhou Sunjoy Auto Supplies Co., Ltd. SUNJOY K1: n/a: n/a: ‘IT IS NOT scientific to test qualified KN95 masks with too much water. The filtration tests the U.S. Government is doing mean more, and the real powecoms are passing just fine. Aoxing Kids KN95 Face coverings. show passing results at higher velocities are more fluid resistant. The added protection of KN95, now in black! In regards to the water test, please see below statement from one of the heads of Powecom. (Photo: Amazon) Our experts tell Yahoo Life that three-ply disposable masks or … Respirators help protect against certain particulate contaminants but do not eliminate exposure to or the risk of contracting any disease or infection. Powecom masks were tested by NIOSH/NPPTL 10x with 10 masks in each batch, test results can be found here [] which shows that they have well over 95% efficiency. Powecom KN95 Respirator EUA/CDC. CDC - National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Tested 99.76% FILTRATION EFFICIENCY Complete CDC Test Report Full PDF Document (12 pages) Powecom is one of the largest manufacturers of KN95 masks and one of the first to receive FDA emergency use authorization. h�b```f``������$�A��2�@q�/�&�a32���^��z�1b��)Lv��"�E9x�ك���H00���6w{t.P/�w���ƅ"ӎ�EK ��r Y1���Μ�m&J�R @��Laс"B�@��DTi! endstream endobj 155 0 obj <. 183 0 obj <>stream 154 0 obj <> endobj �ƔA�1�u?�z�=�q�>�)�K����2�axǥ������ c �;�;��kD��z�@���u��nce�Ҍ@�` �T� If you would like to know the difference between a KN95 and an N95 read our article "What Is The Difference Between An N95 and KN95 Mask." We are Powecom's PREMIER AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR in the United States and Canada for the Powecom KN95, which has been tested by the NPPTL and CDC repeatedly for its filtration efficiency of equal to or greater than 95%. It is recommended to wear a Powecom KN95 Mask, if … %%EOF This Powecom KN95 Mask can isolate smaller particles, and fits tighter to the face, it is not easy to leak air from the periphery, and the filtration efficiency of particulate matter reaches >95% under standard conditions.

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