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msc kib uni due /ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 842.04 595.32] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> About the courseThe MSc by Research in Engineering Science provides graduates with the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and expertise in their chosen field of engineering research, well beyond the level of a taught master’s degree, but without the requirement to complete as much novel research as a doctoral student. About the courseThis is a research degree leading to the award of an MSc by Research in Organic Chemistry. Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wehling Prof. Dr. Bernd Noche Prüfungstermine . No charges are due. MSc Tai-Lam Nghiem NETZ Room 4.09 +49 203 / 379-8213 tai-lam.nghiem@uni-due.de . Applicants whose first language is not English are expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English and would normally be expected to have an IELTS score of 7.5 with a 9 minimum of 7.0 in each element, or equivalent (This is inline with … Telefax +49 201 183 3171. These courses are complemented by additional integrative modules studied together with students from the complementary Master's programme "Urban Culture, Society and Space", namely the foundational module (15 ECTS credits) in the first semester and the joint research training project in the second semester (10 ECTS credits). Finance MSc graduates will be able to demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding of the specialist subject area while placing that subject within a wider organisational and contextual framework. endobj Prof. Dr. Rolf Gimbel Klaus Krumme Our team is mostly working online. Fachsemester (2 WPM + Thesis) Zeit MITTWOCH MITTWOCH MITTWOCH MITTWOCH Zeit PM 08 - 09 Stahlbau 4 08 - 09 … Kriemhild Ficht . Intercultural Management. Having mastered the basic principles from their Bachelor's degree, students will deepen their understanding in the areas of mathematics (e.g. Prof. Dr. Ute Schneider MSc Andrea Steinhaus NETZ Room 4.09 +49 203 / 379-8219 andrea.steinhaus@uni-due.de. MSc. Your teaching is delivered through MyAberdeen, our online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Students enrolled in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management can design their studies individually and flexibly according to their ideas. The data exchange between big servers and the Internet of Things might secure a high level of convenience and safety within city life but also involves risks for individuals and societies. 11. Prof. Due to the pandemic, the methods and activities adopted for the coming year may differ from those previously published and may be subject to further change through the course of your study if such change is necessary due to public health concerns, health and safety guidance or in response to Government Guidelines. stream The two-year course is innovative in its interdisciplinary and … Kontakt Lehre. MSc PGDip Core modules. 1Z���]�@;V�S����z��u? The dissertation is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor and will typically involve investigating and writing in a particular area of mathematical sciences, without the requirement (while not excluding the possibility) of obtaining original results. Mundus Urbano (MU) is a consortium of four European universities offering an advanced interdisciplinary Master of Science programme –International Cooperation in Urban Development. This course is offered on a full-time basis only, over 12 months following the academic year from September to September. Because some courses are offered in German, German skills increase the range of electives available. Alle Informationen über den Masterstudiengang "Automotive Engineering & Management" auf einen Blick: Download. Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr In the event that there are material changes to our offering (for example, due to matters beyond our control), we will update applicant and student facing … <> … PD Dr. Dr. Martin Denecke Take a look around MyAberdeen. Bei Fragen zum Studiengang wenden Sie sich derzeit bitte an Frau Desiree Beyer-Hilgers, desiree.beyer-hilgers@uni-due.de. �i�r�mO�J��ְSj�!5�1ˍ��xù��KM0.�D>*��=�����0敔R`�3+���V?ֆq. The Master of Science (MSc) is a two-year degree which encompasses both coursework and research. Neil Deane has now notched up 40 years in Germany. In these fields, students are offered a broad range of courses to choose from; they are individually coached in making these choices based on their previous qualifications, their professional goals and development perspectives. The MSc Automotive Engineering course is accredited by RAes and IMechE and is accredited as meeting the further learning requirement for Chartered Engineer (CEng) registration for the cohort intakes from 2016 up to and including, the January 2020 intake. ��+rgls�j�9nR�%��j�}܈�C}b�Z?J�SS����!��� fluid dynamics), automation technology (with enhanced theoretical methods) and computer science (real-time systems and distributed … Finally, in the course of the programme students complete two modules (5 ECTS credits each) from the complementary field of studies in "Urban Culture, Society and Space", for instance in the fields of urban geography, urban sociology and urban history, urban cultural studies, or urban cultural management. They will understand current issues and thinking along with techniques applicable to research in the subject area. (��E���?g(D��@�ki��#�3d�E��a~�����8��Y�4����^��f��}�����d�ma�0��k���+��6��:l� �3�\���Y�a;,��J�3�nr�=�`��6�jsX:�l��˶��$��o�r6*��9��e�R���`a(#��iq]�K6��w��A���1��!q��M�Pa����/b��-�&s�,��M\���� 3�W� � ��3���O�}L�1����[`�%F�5����_b���x���]��w �m�a�v D^a0�ͧ�/5����6"{�u�mI�G�5�]��ǖ����D�D�z(�_����A�G <>/Metadata 1625 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1626 0 R>> PD Dr. Susanne Moebus You can access your learning materials on computer, smartphone and laptop, 24 hours a day. He left his hometown of Liverpool in 1979 when a certain Margaret Thatcher had just come to power with the clear remit to change Britain forever. vCard. Within the concept of a technology-led urban environment, a Smart City, smart systems permeate every domain of urban life in order to exchange information between public services and smart citizens. MSc: Veterinary Physiotherapy: £14715: £24390: D20F: PGDip: Veterinary Physiotherapy: £11772: £19512: Back to the top Biosciences ^ Fees for the Nottingham part of these courses are charged by the University of Reading and you should contact Reading for further details. Prof. Dr. Holger Hirsch 4. In the Master's programme "Sustainable Urban Development", seven courses (5 ECTS credits each) from the fields of urban planning, engineering and the natural sciences provide training (among other areas) in sustainable urban planning, logistics, energy systems, technology management, urban ecology, urban climatology and energy economics. Moreover, in their third semester students complete an individual internship of at least three monthts in a company, an international organization, a municipal body or another institution centrally involved in urban management or urban research (20 ECTS credits). �u��c�{��>��݅?v-����w�u�,�i�}���.��>���^���ߝ����p�c�;Ž�;۱u��3���}�Y�f�v�$���.��>�������dsÀ~z���UM��vw�ItG������\�}��k��a{��d/L=���{�ᅹ��ϝ��X�;�1�O~���`w�`7�e'�쑝c��[?���㫴��s�Fv��㭏~��7_����'�oi������Y^�C�:�� ���]Y�"������&5�ͅ����b/�>>�z|�m���,��12���2D�j�H-�����2W�����u�b|��{�^�^���g%C��e�F�O,����?�����o��~��u���~tk�a���cݮO̝T��K=/��j�qXK�@�_����Y��p�{݊n�1P��Fc{^��u���ʧ!,zn/�9��j�W+���X�����g�ۣ�wv����q!��͂q��|�S�8=����E�#���;��>��_��ۗ5h���V[����켸����4��_��ÿ���]4a�4~˪ɏIȺ���Ml�F��ϛ��z�:�澞�rku�F����=��x\�C�)�����o����������+��͋{���i�:d����f�Ԕݛ�9���Ľ�a�x��5�]7MO�����!���?�k\7a����?~�¿�,�w7t��Ǐ_���O�uo�8l�����{�v�F�������ǯ�ÆW3�Ӆk}�I6�����5�s�?F��'�ݤ��X+���ݤ�Ұ^D�4��10ԫ��T]+ß�V g�9��c�RHm�u�68��=�#���u�_��3 mM�f���uW�?�i����UAl��z��>#�qo�k��ˤ��/_�V��'�}�=�?���?�=T2����LJ��}UZv��*�jyؗv�_3{�Yo>�[�e��~��0ͺ/���z�O=�������6�����&��'���Cl�S3�Կ�)�/K�|"6��0� �N#������� Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka A Master of Science (Latin: Magister Scientiae; abbreviated MS, M.S., MSc, M.Sc., SM, S.M., ScM or Sc.M.) Trace Hapag-Lloyd's and our partner's vessels to find information about the current called port, the voyage or the vessel. Anschrift. Dr. Ralf Schüle (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy) Students will be eligible for e-Student membership of the RSS, with the potential to progress along the professional pathway of RSS membership to Graduate Statistician and Chartered Statistician status. %���� Graduates of our MSc in Digital Marketing can expect to be gainfully employed in any of a wide variety of businesses as marketing and the digital economy is embedded in every corner of our lives. KIB. Dr. Uwe Neumann (RWI - Halle Institute for Economic Research) MSc Project Management is delivered part-time online. (2 PM + 3 WPM) und 3. Professional and Intercultural Development. Abteilung Bauwissenschaften WS 2020 / 2021: 02.11.20 – 12.02.21 Seite 3 von 3 PO 2016 Master-Studiengang Stand 02.11.2020 PM = Pflichtmodul WPM = Wahlpflichtmodul Vertiefung „Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau“ 2. About the courseThe MSc consists of a structured programme of lectures, classes, and tutorials from October to June, followed by individual study and the writing of a dissertation over the summer. Dipl.-Geogr. Abteilung Bauwissenschaften SS 2020: 06.04. Description. Telefon +49 201 183 2774. The MSc can be studied in any of the subjects listed below, and may be taken by a combination of coursework and thesis, or by thesis only. Prof. Dr. Alf Monjour Fachsemester (1 PM + 3 WPM + 1 WM) Präsenz Online / Verschoben ins SS Zeit FREITAG FREITAG Zeit WPM WM 08 - 09 Geotechnik 5 Numerical … Universitätsstr 2 45117 Essen . A dissertation … The overarching aim - notwithstanding the need for interdisciplinary qualifications - is an in-depth education in a specific disciplinary culture, which allows students to make productive contributions in demanding work environments. PD Dr. Ani Melkonyan bauwiss@uni-due.de. International Students: Due to recent changes in funding from Health Education England, we are no longer able to consider international students. In addition to the teaching provided specifically for the VMMA programme, you will also be able to attend lectures in social anthropology to link your work to broader trends in the … Frau Claudia Besecke claudia.besecke@uni-due.de. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to existing fields of research, or to begin to develop new areas. 1 0 obj Dissertation Environmental MSc; Please note: not all option modules run every year. MSc(Eur) - Master of Science (European) ... Due to the flexibility of Latin word order, there are two schools in the abbreviation of doctor's degrees. Raum: V15 S04 C53. Infos für Schüler. In lectures, seminars and excursions, economic, environmental and cultural forces that shape and are shaped by technology are discussed side by side with real-world rural-urban developments such as changes in Global Food-Supply, Migration, Urban Structure or Smart Cities. Les étudiants devront, tout au long du jeu, prendre des décisions opérationnelles et surmonter différents défis commerciaux. PGDip . Birgit Sattler Bei Fragen rund um das Studieren in den Bauwissenschaften an der UDE hilft dir gerne der Fachschaftsrat Bau weiter. �����ה�������ʠw�K�ܷ�u���_�7��u�'�U�d���?�Է{zܶ������_����B��&�a$��a)x�����}��m�|�?l�xтq9��[#E��̦���ޥ�j'1��Y����Ѝ���w���V�����@j84���ut��n��Ű�)�=�t��}7js�產�����R���'YoB���'v~\d��Cٺ��mt�i���m�n��$�c�<5t2���3T?�{�����������4¶v��z��U������6s|Xa�a�:��l#���z7���[}��>mS �T��8n}x(�:´>�G�ͷq�U����^:Ͷ�jHb��q�Gqj�'�^>�v��|L�������ӛ�ä�����Q������m��>��D�`�Χ��}\�>�N!-�|e_΋9}������c�?�������az�U�OmfL�xKG�ހaE��/j����%� ����2-��7���p������ 듋�F;߻�������)P����!,pK�[+9$N��#%3_��v;;��_�����Sa�0�.���@tW�!ch�7u׸�!2��/��ݷ�.~NqcZF>������Tز�&�АWf����[����odx���s��$\���ōw��9��t�ަZ>��=Xyf���9�BXeꔽ�Ow�����@���L� Our MSc International Business graduates find jobs all over the globe. And our most important services will continue: We are processing all incoming applications including your mail. La gestion interculturelle est une approche pluridisciplinaire des problèmes de communication et de compréhension rencontrés dans les interactions entre les individus et les … Many training opportunities are available throughout the course, including seminar series throughout the department and a world-class annual visiting speaker programme, but the focus of the course is the research project. V15 R00 G45. ��ñȨ�>\�~9������:����c���ð�>�[3E�ē {�Ȇ�������Q�M}J����%d��PX��^d� ���� k���f�G2�p�Z$��{�E[�؋��;�/{�Cx������$>+��y=�s�W���y�D˟=��}lz�f)����$:^��h��uܡ�a��CǛ94�(94˜z��O���j9����D��� �`]�Ux7���%�� It will provide you with an advanced interdisciplinary understanding of economic and financial concepts and their application to legal topics. Birkbeck makes all reasonable efforts to deliver educational services, modules and programmes of study as described on our website. 2 0 obj The Data Science MSc has been accredited by the RSS. MSc - Master of Science. <> MSc … In times of growing dependencies and dynamic development processes between technology and society, the city has become the main stage and breeding ground for new technological trends. The language of instruction in the Master's Programme "Sustainable Urban Development” is English. Lecturers involved: Professors in Charge and Lecturers Involved, About the Role of Technology in the Master Programme Sustainable Urban Development, Technology in the Context of Sustainable Urban Systems, Advanced Research in Urban Systems (ARUS). DPhil, DLitt). They can choose from a from a wide range of courses on offer in the following areas: Accounting and Taxation, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing and Sales as well as Operations … The MSc combines a highly analytic academic core with tailor-made practical applications derived from collaboration with … The programme addresses the dynamic challenges faced throughout the world due to rapid urbanisation processes. The two ancient universities of England split on this: at Cambridge, D follows the faculty (e.g. Einführungskurse für zukünfitige Studierende … Dipl.-Umweltwiss. They work in a variety of sectors such as marketing, HR, operations and supply chain, finance, and in diverse industries, including fashion, education, hospitality, … Chef de file mondial dans le transport de conteneurs, MSC, qui démarra comme une petite entité dotée d'un seul navire, est aujourd'hui une entreprise mondialement reconnue, disposant d'une flotte de 560 navires et de plus de 70 000 employés. Etudiants - DU. PhD Chin Ken Wong NETZ Room 4.09a +49 203 / 379-8218 chin.kenwong@uni-due.de. Le CNED vous propose une série de préparations qui s'adaptent à votre niveau pour affronter les examens des concours de la … It holds all the materials, tools and support you’ll need in your studies. %PDF-1.7 Therefore, the urban transition process needs experts who not only contribute to developing new technologies but also anticipate alterations and collapses of as hitherto established system boundaries and combat the use of technology for illicit purposes. PhD, LittD. The first year involves mainly coursework and preliminary research preparation. x��}k�&�q�w���s��W����l�q��ڑ�6� c�HX�3R�������K6��l�n�yl.����~����"����~0��u�M�v���0��~���}r�wO~���������G�����}��_���}���_���W[�O~�����m�m����?�o����6��a�MK_o��΃~��r����t������_}���>��� z|�O?�����������W�������և7��?�Oo�������+�d��p{�߷��Ӈ|�m�݇�>A� �a�!^x�5��_v����jy��[ts]���O��_m�_z�/? Raum. About the courseThe MSc in Law and Finance (MLF) is taught jointly by the Law Faculty and the Saïd Business School. vector analysis and numerical mathematics), advanced principles of physics (e.g. The MSc Sustainable Planning programme for 2019/2020 consists of three courses in MSc Sustainable Planning, MSc Sustainable Planning and Environmental Management and MSc Sustainable Planning and Transport. ), while at Oxford the D precedes the faculty (e.g. Prof. Dr Jan Wehrheim This course is offered on a full-time basis only, over 9 months following the academic year from September to June. In the Master's programme "Sustainable Urban Development", seven courses (5 ECTS credits each) from the fields of urban planning, engineering and the natural sciences provide training (among other areas) in sustainable urban planning, logistics, energy systems, technology management,  urban ecology, urban climatology and energy economics. 3 0 obj Tierheim München Welpen, Mirror Maven Central Repository, Webcam Hochfelln Nord, Hinzufügen 7 Buchstaben, Otl Akademie Ernährungsberater Erfahrungen, Easybell Feste Ip, Aok Baden-württemberg Fax, Hotel Schempp Bobingen Bewertung, Naturschutzgebiet Borghorster Elblandschaft, " /> /ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 842.04 595.32] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> About the courseThe MSc by Research in Engineering Science provides graduates with the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and expertise in their chosen field of engineering research, well beyond the level of a taught master’s degree, but without the requirement to complete as much novel research as a doctoral student. About the courseThis is a research degree leading to the award of an MSc by Research in Organic Chemistry. Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wehling Prof. Dr. Bernd Noche Prüfungstermine . No charges are due. MSc Tai-Lam Nghiem NETZ Room 4.09 +49 203 / 379-8213 tai-lam.nghiem@uni-due.de . Applicants whose first language is not English are expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English and would normally be expected to have an IELTS score of 7.5 with a 9 minimum of 7.0 in each element, or equivalent (This is inline with … Telefax +49 201 183 3171. These courses are complemented by additional integrative modules studied together with students from the complementary Master's programme "Urban Culture, Society and Space", namely the foundational module (15 ECTS credits) in the first semester and the joint research training project in the second semester (10 ECTS credits). Finance MSc graduates will be able to demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding of the specialist subject area while placing that subject within a wider organisational and contextual framework. endobj Prof. Dr. Rolf Gimbel Klaus Krumme Our team is mostly working online. Fachsemester (2 WPM + Thesis) Zeit MITTWOCH MITTWOCH MITTWOCH MITTWOCH Zeit PM 08 - 09 Stahlbau 4 08 - 09 … Kriemhild Ficht . Intercultural Management. Having mastered the basic principles from their Bachelor's degree, students will deepen their understanding in the areas of mathematics (e.g. Prof. Dr. Ute Schneider MSc Andrea Steinhaus NETZ Room 4.09 +49 203 / 379-8219 andrea.steinhaus@uni-due.de. MSc. Your teaching is delivered through MyAberdeen, our online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Students enrolled in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management can design their studies individually and flexibly according to their ideas. The data exchange between big servers and the Internet of Things might secure a high level of convenience and safety within city life but also involves risks for individuals and societies. 11. Prof. Due to the pandemic, the methods and activities adopted for the coming year may differ from those previously published and may be subject to further change through the course of your study if such change is necessary due to public health concerns, health and safety guidance or in response to Government Guidelines. stream The two-year course is innovative in its interdisciplinary and … Kontakt Lehre. MSc PGDip Core modules. 1Z���]�@;V�S����z��u? The dissertation is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor and will typically involve investigating and writing in a particular area of mathematical sciences, without the requirement (while not excluding the possibility) of obtaining original results. Mundus Urbano (MU) is a consortium of four European universities offering an advanced interdisciplinary Master of Science programme –International Cooperation in Urban Development. This course is offered on a full-time basis only, over 12 months following the academic year from September to September. Because some courses are offered in German, German skills increase the range of electives available. Alle Informationen über den Masterstudiengang "Automotive Engineering & Management" auf einen Blick: Download. Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr In the event that there are material changes to our offering (for example, due to matters beyond our control), we will update applicant and student facing … <> … PD Dr. Dr. Martin Denecke Take a look around MyAberdeen. Bei Fragen zum Studiengang wenden Sie sich derzeit bitte an Frau Desiree Beyer-Hilgers, desiree.beyer-hilgers@uni-due.de. �i�r�mO�J��ְSj�!5�1ˍ��xù��KM0.�D>*��=�����0敔R`�3+���V?ֆq. The Master of Science (MSc) is a two-year degree which encompasses both coursework and research. Neil Deane has now notched up 40 years in Germany. In these fields, students are offered a broad range of courses to choose from; they are individually coached in making these choices based on their previous qualifications, their professional goals and development perspectives. The MSc Automotive Engineering course is accredited by RAes and IMechE and is accredited as meeting the further learning requirement for Chartered Engineer (CEng) registration for the cohort intakes from 2016 up to and including, the January 2020 intake. ��+rgls�j�9nR�%��j�}܈�C}b�Z?J�SS����!��� fluid dynamics), automation technology (with enhanced theoretical methods) and computer science (real-time systems and distributed … Finally, in the course of the programme students complete two modules (5 ECTS credits each) from the complementary field of studies in "Urban Culture, Society and Space", for instance in the fields of urban geography, urban sociology and urban history, urban cultural studies, or urban cultural management. They will understand current issues and thinking along with techniques applicable to research in the subject area. (��E���?g(D��@�ki��#�3d�E��a~�����8��Y�4����^��f��}�����d�ma�0��k���+��6��:l� �3�\���Y�a;,��J�3�nr�=�`��6�jsX:�l��˶��$��o�r6*��9��e�R���`a(#��iq]�K6��w��A���1��!q��M�Pa����/b��-�&s�,��M\���� 3�W� � ��3���O�}L�1����[`�%F�5����_b���x���]��w �m�a�v D^a0�ͧ�/5����6"{�u�mI�G�5�]��ǖ����D�D�z(�_����A�G <>/Metadata 1625 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1626 0 R>> PD Dr. Susanne Moebus You can access your learning materials on computer, smartphone and laptop, 24 hours a day. He left his hometown of Liverpool in 1979 when a certain Margaret Thatcher had just come to power with the clear remit to change Britain forever. vCard. Within the concept of a technology-led urban environment, a Smart City, smart systems permeate every domain of urban life in order to exchange information between public services and smart citizens. MSc: Veterinary Physiotherapy: £14715: £24390: D20F: PGDip: Veterinary Physiotherapy: £11772: £19512: Back to the top Biosciences ^ Fees for the Nottingham part of these courses are charged by the University of Reading and you should contact Reading for further details. Prof. Dr. Holger Hirsch 4. In the Master's programme "Sustainable Urban Development", seven courses (5 ECTS credits each) from the fields of urban planning, engineering and the natural sciences provide training (among other areas) in sustainable urban planning, logistics, energy systems, technology management, urban ecology, urban climatology and energy economics. Moreover, in their third semester students complete an individual internship of at least three monthts in a company, an international organization, a municipal body or another institution centrally involved in urban management or urban research (20 ECTS credits). �u��c�{��>��݅?v-����w�u�,�i�}���.��>���^���ߝ����p�c�;Ž�;۱u��3���}�Y�f�v�$���.��>�������dsÀ~z���UM��vw�ItG������\�}��k��a{��d/L=���{�ᅹ��ϝ��X�;�1�O~���`w�`7�e'�쑝c��[?���㫴��s�Fv��㭏~��7_����'�oi������Y^�C�:�� ���]Y�"������&5�ͅ����b/�>>�z|�m���,��12���2D�j�H-�����2W�����u�b|��{�^�^���g%C��e�F�O,����?�����o��~��u���~tk�a���cݮO̝T��K=/��j�qXK�@�_����Y��p�{݊n�1P��Fc{^��u���ʧ!,zn/�9��j�W+���X�����g�ۣ�wv����q!��͂q��|�S�8=����E�#���;��>��_��ۗ5h���V[����켸����4��_��ÿ���]4a�4~˪ɏIȺ���Ml�F��ϛ��z�:�澞�rku�F����=��x\�C�)�����o����������+��͋{���i�:d����f�Ԕݛ�9���Ľ�a�x��5�]7MO�����!���?�k\7a����?~�¿�,�w7t��Ǐ_���O�uo�8l�����{�v�F�������ǯ�ÆW3�Ӆk}�I6�����5�s�?F��'�ݤ��X+���ݤ�Ұ^D�4��10ԫ��T]+ß�V g�9��c�RHm�u�68��=�#���u�_��3 mM�f���uW�?�i����UAl��z��>#�qo�k��ˤ��/_�V��'�}�=�?���?�=T2����LJ��}UZv��*�jyؗv�_3{�Yo>�[�e��~��0ͺ/���z�O=�������6�����&��'���Cl�S3�Կ�)�/K�|"6��0� �N#������� Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka A Master of Science (Latin: Magister Scientiae; abbreviated MS, M.S., MSc, M.Sc., SM, S.M., ScM or Sc.M.) Trace Hapag-Lloyd's and our partner's vessels to find information about the current called port, the voyage or the vessel. Anschrift. Dr. Ralf Schüle (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy) Students will be eligible for e-Student membership of the RSS, with the potential to progress along the professional pathway of RSS membership to Graduate Statistician and Chartered Statistician status. %���� Graduates of our MSc in Digital Marketing can expect to be gainfully employed in any of a wide variety of businesses as marketing and the digital economy is embedded in every corner of our lives. KIB. Dr. Uwe Neumann (RWI - Halle Institute for Economic Research) MSc Project Management is delivered part-time online. (2 PM + 3 WPM) und 3. Professional and Intercultural Development. Abteilung Bauwissenschaften WS 2020 / 2021: 02.11.20 – 12.02.21 Seite 3 von 3 PO 2016 Master-Studiengang Stand 02.11.2020 PM = Pflichtmodul WPM = Wahlpflichtmodul Vertiefung „Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau“ 2. About the courseThe MSc consists of a structured programme of lectures, classes, and tutorials from October to June, followed by individual study and the writing of a dissertation over the summer. Dipl.-Geogr. Abteilung Bauwissenschaften SS 2020: 06.04. Description. Telefon +49 201 183 2774. The MSc can be studied in any of the subjects listed below, and may be taken by a combination of coursework and thesis, or by thesis only. Prof. Dr. Alf Monjour Fachsemester (1 PM + 3 WPM + 1 WM) Präsenz Online / Verschoben ins SS Zeit FREITAG FREITAG Zeit WPM WM 08 - 09 Geotechnik 5 Numerical … Universitätsstr 2 45117 Essen . A dissertation … The overarching aim - notwithstanding the need for interdisciplinary qualifications - is an in-depth education in a specific disciplinary culture, which allows students to make productive contributions in demanding work environments. PD Dr. Ani Melkonyan bauwiss@uni-due.de. International Students: Due to recent changes in funding from Health Education England, we are no longer able to consider international students. In addition to the teaching provided specifically for the VMMA programme, you will also be able to attend lectures in social anthropology to link your work to broader trends in the … Frau Claudia Besecke claudia.besecke@uni-due.de. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to existing fields of research, or to begin to develop new areas. 1 0 obj Dissertation Environmental MSc; Please note: not all option modules run every year. MSc(Eur) - Master of Science (European) ... Due to the flexibility of Latin word order, there are two schools in the abbreviation of doctor's degrees. Raum: V15 S04 C53. Infos für Schüler. In lectures, seminars and excursions, economic, environmental and cultural forces that shape and are shaped by technology are discussed side by side with real-world rural-urban developments such as changes in Global Food-Supply, Migration, Urban Structure or Smart Cities. Les étudiants devront, tout au long du jeu, prendre des décisions opérationnelles et surmonter différents défis commerciaux. PGDip . Birgit Sattler Bei Fragen rund um das Studieren in den Bauwissenschaften an der UDE hilft dir gerne der Fachschaftsrat Bau weiter. �����ה�������ʠw�K�ܷ�u���_�7��u�'�U�d���?�Է{zܶ������_����B��&�a$��a)x�����}��m�|�?l�xтq9��[#E��̦���ޥ�j'1��Y����Ѝ���w���V�����@j84���ut��n��Ű�)�=�t��}7js�產�����R���'YoB���'v~\d��Cٺ��mt�i���m�n��$�c�<5t2���3T?�{�����������4¶v��z��U������6s|Xa�a�:��l#���z7���[}��>mS �T��8n}x(�:´>�G�ͷq�U����^:Ͷ�jHb��q�Gqj�'�^>�v��|L�������ӛ�ä�����Q������m��>��D�`�Χ��}\�>�N!-�|e_΋9}������c�?�������az�U�OmfL�xKG�ހaE��/j����%� ����2-��7���p������ 듋�F;߻�������)P����!,pK�[+9$N��#%3_��v;;��_�����Sa�0�.���@tW�!ch�7u׸�!2��/��ݷ�.~NqcZF>������Tز�&�АWf����[����odx���s��$\���ōw��9��t�ަZ>��=Xyf���9�BXeꔽ�Ow�����@���L� Our MSc International Business graduates find jobs all over the globe. And our most important services will continue: We are processing all incoming applications including your mail. La gestion interculturelle est une approche pluridisciplinaire des problèmes de communication et de compréhension rencontrés dans les interactions entre les individus et les … Many training opportunities are available throughout the course, including seminar series throughout the department and a world-class annual visiting speaker programme, but the focus of the course is the research project. V15 R00 G45. ��ñȨ�>\�~9������:����c���ð�>�[3E�ē {�Ȇ�������Q�M}J����%d��PX��^d� ���� k���f�G2�p�Z$��{�E[�؋��;�/{�Cx������$>+��y=�s�W���y�D˟=��}lz�f)����$:^��h��uܡ�a��CǛ94�(94˜z��O���j9����D��� �`]�Ux7���%�� It will provide you with an advanced interdisciplinary understanding of economic and financial concepts and their application to legal topics. Birkbeck makes all reasonable efforts to deliver educational services, modules and programmes of study as described on our website. 2 0 obj The Data Science MSc has been accredited by the RSS. MSc - Master of Science. <> MSc … In times of growing dependencies and dynamic development processes between technology and society, the city has become the main stage and breeding ground for new technological trends. The language of instruction in the Master's Programme "Sustainable Urban Development” is English. Lecturers involved: Professors in Charge and Lecturers Involved, About the Role of Technology in the Master Programme Sustainable Urban Development, Technology in the Context of Sustainable Urban Systems, Advanced Research in Urban Systems (ARUS). DPhil, DLitt). They can choose from a from a wide range of courses on offer in the following areas: Accounting and Taxation, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing and Sales as well as Operations … The MSc combines a highly analytic academic core with tailor-made practical applications derived from collaboration with … The programme addresses the dynamic challenges faced throughout the world due to rapid urbanisation processes. The two ancient universities of England split on this: at Cambridge, D follows the faculty (e.g. Einführungskurse für zukünfitige Studierende … Dipl.-Umweltwiss. They work in a variety of sectors such as marketing, HR, operations and supply chain, finance, and in diverse industries, including fashion, education, hospitality, … Chef de file mondial dans le transport de conteneurs, MSC, qui démarra comme une petite entité dotée d'un seul navire, est aujourd'hui une entreprise mondialement reconnue, disposant d'une flotte de 560 navires et de plus de 70 000 employés. Etudiants - DU. PhD Chin Ken Wong NETZ Room 4.09a +49 203 / 379-8218 chin.kenwong@uni-due.de. Le CNED vous propose une série de préparations qui s'adaptent à votre niveau pour affronter les examens des concours de la … It holds all the materials, tools and support you’ll need in your studies. %PDF-1.7 Therefore, the urban transition process needs experts who not only contribute to developing new technologies but also anticipate alterations and collapses of as hitherto established system boundaries and combat the use of technology for illicit purposes. PhD, LittD. The first year involves mainly coursework and preliminary research preparation. x��}k�&�q�w���s��W����l�q��ڑ�6� c�HX�3R�������K6��l�n�yl.����~����"����~0��u�M�v���0��~���}r�wO~���������G�����}��_���}���_���W[�O~�����m�m����?�o����6��a�MK_o��΃~��r����t������_}���>��� z|�O?�����������W�������և7��?�Oo�������+�d��p{�߷��Ӈ|�m�݇�>A� �a�!^x�5��_v����jy��[ts]���O��_m�_z�/? Raum. About the courseThe MSc in Law and Finance (MLF) is taught jointly by the Law Faculty and the Saïd Business School. vector analysis and numerical mathematics), advanced principles of physics (e.g. The MSc Sustainable Planning programme for 2019/2020 consists of three courses in MSc Sustainable Planning, MSc Sustainable Planning and Environmental Management and MSc Sustainable Planning and Transport. ), while at Oxford the D precedes the faculty (e.g. Prof. Dr Jan Wehrheim This course is offered on a full-time basis only, over 9 months following the academic year from September to June. In the Master's programme "Sustainable Urban Development", seven courses (5 ECTS credits each) from the fields of urban planning, engineering and the natural sciences provide training (among other areas) in sustainable urban planning, logistics, energy systems, technology management,  urban ecology, urban climatology and energy economics. 3 0 obj Tierheim München Welpen, Mirror Maven Central Repository, Webcam Hochfelln Nord, Hinzufügen 7 Buchstaben, Otl Akademie Ernährungsberater Erfahrungen, Easybell Feste Ip, Aok Baden-württemberg Fax, Hotel Schempp Bobingen Bewertung, Naturschutzgebiet Borghorster Elblandschaft, " />

Dr. Dieter Hassenpflug Graduates will have both theoretical and applied perspectives and … Modules. Thereby, new concepts of, for instance, the Green Economy, the Ecosystem Services Approach, System Resilience, De-growth or approaches for interactive value-added-processes will be analyzed critically and linked closely to present urbanisation processes and their social impact. – 17.07.2020 Seite 2 von 3 Master-Studiengang Stand 19.04.2020 PM = Pflichtmodul WPM = Wahlpflichtmodul Vertiefung „Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau“ Zu klären 1. The current period of accreditation covers students who first enrol between September 2017 and September 2021. Découvrez les cursus universitaires du CNED. ^^ It is also possible to study individual modules from this course as a ‘No Award’ student at a rate of … The calamitous Brexit referendum result seems poised to produce more woe, a worrying fact that induced him to take up German citizenship a couple … Modular Structure. In-depth modules and the possible topics for the Master’s thesis mirror the three research pillars at our … endobj Prof. Dr. Christoph Marx  Students are expected to deal critically with well-established scientific theories and beliefs. Students develop … Prof. Dr. Alf Kimms uni-assist has already taken comprehensive protective measures for the staff in its Berlin office. Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology You’ll learn about the scientific, … KIB . They gain employment in multinational corporations, SMEs, non-profitable organisations, family businesses and as entrepreneurs. 4 0 obj The programme provides students with the skills and expertise they need in order to meet contemporary sustainability challenges in planning, … The programme has been recently reviewed and updated by the University as part of its regular periodic review process, … "Career opportunities under the sign of electric mobility" (Germany radio, editorial "Campus and Careers", 2011) Informationsbroschüre. (em.) The MSc offers a substantial opportunity for independent study and research in the form of a dissertation. In a programme generally aiming at a broad interdisciplinary education rooted in disciplinary competencies, a broad range of courses to choose from allows students to develop their own unique profile in the course of their studies by focusing on specific areas of competence. Amtliche Prüfungstermine erhalten Sie ausschließlich auf der Homepage … endobj Fondée en 1970 et basée à Genève, en Suisse, depuis 1978, MSC est une compagnie privée dirigée par la famille Aponte. Dr. Thorsten Mietzel MSc Xiaolian Qiang NETZ Room 4.09a +49 203 / 379-8213 xiaolian.qiang@uni-due.de. The master programme Sustainable Urban Development aims precisely at educating these experts: The students gain the ability to investigate and design the shift from Social-Ecological Systems to Social-Ecological-Technological Systems from an interdisciplinary perspective and learn to cope with new challenges that arise within technology-driven societies. Neil Deane BA / MSc. Er hilft sowohl nach Vereinbarung, in einem persönlichen Gespräch (Raum V15R01H97) oder direkt online. xuezhi.dai@uni-due.de. EFL Education. is a master's degree in the field of science awarded by universities in many countries or a person holding such a degree. Prof. Dr. Renatus Widmann. Study courses from A to Z Programme search: Overview The UDE has a wide range of subjects - from the humanities, education, social and economic sciences to engineering and natural sciences, including medicine. The MSc programme offers the opportunity to specialise in one major subject area of Physical Geography by giving students the opportunity to take advantage of an individually tailored Master’s programme; this will enable a specific qualification in a chosen field of interest. The Modular Design of the Master’s Programme “Urban Culture, Society and Space” (pdf file), The standard duration of study is four semesters and students will finish the Master's Programme “Sustainable Urban Development” with a Master of Science (M.Sc.). You’ll find a range of resources … We are happy to answer your enquiries via our contact form. The topics for the Master's thesis to be written in the fourth and final term (30 credits including the oral thesis defence) are also agreed upon individually depending on students' specific qualifications, experience and professional development goals. At Salford Business School, we endeavour to continually update our MSc Digital Marketing programme content and delivery to keep pace with the continually evolving business … PhD Students. Students who have a Bachelor's de… <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 842.04 595.32] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> About the courseThe MSc by Research in Engineering Science provides graduates with the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and expertise in their chosen field of engineering research, well beyond the level of a taught master’s degree, but without the requirement to complete as much novel research as a doctoral student. About the courseThis is a research degree leading to the award of an MSc by Research in Organic Chemistry. Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wehling Prof. Dr. Bernd Noche Prüfungstermine . No charges are due. MSc Tai-Lam Nghiem NETZ Room 4.09 +49 203 / 379-8213 tai-lam.nghiem@uni-due.de . Applicants whose first language is not English are expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English and would normally be expected to have an IELTS score of 7.5 with a 9 minimum of 7.0 in each element, or equivalent (This is inline with … Telefax +49 201 183 3171. These courses are complemented by additional integrative modules studied together with students from the complementary Master's programme "Urban Culture, Society and Space", namely the foundational module (15 ECTS credits) in the first semester and the joint research training project in the second semester (10 ECTS credits). Finance MSc graduates will be able to demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding of the specialist subject area while placing that subject within a wider organisational and contextual framework. endobj Prof. Dr. Rolf Gimbel Klaus Krumme Our team is mostly working online. Fachsemester (2 WPM + Thesis) Zeit MITTWOCH MITTWOCH MITTWOCH MITTWOCH Zeit PM 08 - 09 Stahlbau 4 08 - 09 … Kriemhild Ficht . Intercultural Management. Having mastered the basic principles from their Bachelor's degree, students will deepen their understanding in the areas of mathematics (e.g. Prof. Dr. Ute Schneider MSc Andrea Steinhaus NETZ Room 4.09 +49 203 / 379-8219 andrea.steinhaus@uni-due.de. MSc. Your teaching is delivered through MyAberdeen, our online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Students enrolled in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management can design their studies individually and flexibly according to their ideas. The data exchange between big servers and the Internet of Things might secure a high level of convenience and safety within city life but also involves risks for individuals and societies. 11. Prof. Due to the pandemic, the methods and activities adopted for the coming year may differ from those previously published and may be subject to further change through the course of your study if such change is necessary due to public health concerns, health and safety guidance or in response to Government Guidelines. stream The two-year course is innovative in its interdisciplinary and … Kontakt Lehre. MSc PGDip Core modules. 1Z���]�@;V�S����z��u? The dissertation is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor and will typically involve investigating and writing in a particular area of mathematical sciences, without the requirement (while not excluding the possibility) of obtaining original results. Mundus Urbano (MU) is a consortium of four European universities offering an advanced interdisciplinary Master of Science programme –International Cooperation in Urban Development. This course is offered on a full-time basis only, over 12 months following the academic year from September to September. Because some courses are offered in German, German skills increase the range of electives available. Alle Informationen über den Masterstudiengang "Automotive Engineering & Management" auf einen Blick: Download. Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr In the event that there are material changes to our offering (for example, due to matters beyond our control), we will update applicant and student facing … <> … PD Dr. Dr. Martin Denecke Take a look around MyAberdeen. Bei Fragen zum Studiengang wenden Sie sich derzeit bitte an Frau Desiree Beyer-Hilgers, desiree.beyer-hilgers@uni-due.de. �i�r�mO�J��ְSj�!5�1ˍ��xù��KM0.�D>*��=�����0敔R`�3+���V?ֆq. The Master of Science (MSc) is a two-year degree which encompasses both coursework and research. Neil Deane has now notched up 40 years in Germany. In these fields, students are offered a broad range of courses to choose from; they are individually coached in making these choices based on their previous qualifications, their professional goals and development perspectives. The MSc Automotive Engineering course is accredited by RAes and IMechE and is accredited as meeting the further learning requirement for Chartered Engineer (CEng) registration for the cohort intakes from 2016 up to and including, the January 2020 intake. ��+rgls�j�9nR�%��j�}܈�C}b�Z?J�SS����!��� fluid dynamics), automation technology (with enhanced theoretical methods) and computer science (real-time systems and distributed … Finally, in the course of the programme students complete two modules (5 ECTS credits each) from the complementary field of studies in "Urban Culture, Society and Space", for instance in the fields of urban geography, urban sociology and urban history, urban cultural studies, or urban cultural management. They will understand current issues and thinking along with techniques applicable to research in the subject area. (��E���?g(D��@�ki��#�3d�E��a~�����8��Y�4����^��f��}�����d�ma�0��k���+��6��:l� �3�\���Y�a;,��J�3�nr�=�`��6�jsX:�l��˶��$��o�r6*��9��e�R���`a(#��iq]�K6��w��A���1��!q��M�Pa����/b��-�&s�,��M\���� 3�W� � ��3���O�}L�1����[`�%F�5����_b���x���]��w �m�a�v D^a0�ͧ�/5����6"{�u�mI�G�5�]��ǖ����D�D�z(�_����A�G <>/Metadata 1625 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1626 0 R>> PD Dr. Susanne Moebus You can access your learning materials on computer, smartphone and laptop, 24 hours a day. He left his hometown of Liverpool in 1979 when a certain Margaret Thatcher had just come to power with the clear remit to change Britain forever. vCard. Within the concept of a technology-led urban environment, a Smart City, smart systems permeate every domain of urban life in order to exchange information between public services and smart citizens. MSc: Veterinary Physiotherapy: £14715: £24390: D20F: PGDip: Veterinary Physiotherapy: £11772: £19512: Back to the top Biosciences ^ Fees for the Nottingham part of these courses are charged by the University of Reading and you should contact Reading for further details. Prof. Dr. Holger Hirsch 4. In the Master's programme "Sustainable Urban Development", seven courses (5 ECTS credits each) from the fields of urban planning, engineering and the natural sciences provide training (among other areas) in sustainable urban planning, logistics, energy systems, technology management, urban ecology, urban climatology and energy economics. Moreover, in their third semester students complete an individual internship of at least three monthts in a company, an international organization, a municipal body or another institution centrally involved in urban management or urban research (20 ECTS credits). �u��c�{��>��݅?v-����w�u�,�i�}���.��>���^���ߝ����p�c�;Ž�;۱u��3���}�Y�f�v�$���.��>�������dsÀ~z���UM��vw�ItG������\�}��k��a{��d/L=���{�ᅹ��ϝ��X�;�1�O~���`w�`7�e'�쑝c��[?���㫴��s�Fv��㭏~��7_����'�oi������Y^�C�:�� ���]Y�"������&5�ͅ����b/�>>�z|�m���,��12���2D�j�H-�����2W�����u�b|��{�^�^���g%C��e�F�O,����?�����o��~��u���~tk�a���cݮO̝T��K=/��j�qXK�@�_����Y��p�{݊n�1P��Fc{^��u���ʧ!,zn/�9��j�W+���X�����g�ۣ�wv����q!��͂q��|�S�8=����E�#���;��>��_��ۗ5h���V[����켸����4��_��ÿ���]4a�4~˪ɏIȺ���Ml�F��ϛ��z�:�澞�rku�F����=��x\�C�)�����o����������+��͋{���i�:d����f�Ԕݛ�9���Ľ�a�x��5�]7MO�����!���?�k\7a����?~�¿�,�w7t��Ǐ_���O�uo�8l�����{�v�F�������ǯ�ÆW3�Ӆk}�I6�����5�s�?F��'�ݤ��X+���ݤ�Ұ^D�4��10ԫ��T]+ß�V g�9��c�RHm�u�68��=�#���u�_��3 mM�f���uW�?�i����UAl��z��>#�qo�k��ˤ��/_�V��'�}�=�?���?�=T2����LJ��}UZv��*�jyؗv�_3{�Yo>�[�e��~��0ͺ/���z�O=�������6�����&��'���Cl�S3�Կ�)�/K�|"6��0� �N#������� Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka A Master of Science (Latin: Magister Scientiae; abbreviated MS, M.S., MSc, M.Sc., SM, S.M., ScM or Sc.M.) Trace Hapag-Lloyd's and our partner's vessels to find information about the current called port, the voyage or the vessel. Anschrift. Dr. Ralf Schüle (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy) Students will be eligible for e-Student membership of the RSS, with the potential to progress along the professional pathway of RSS membership to Graduate Statistician and Chartered Statistician status. %���� Graduates of our MSc in Digital Marketing can expect to be gainfully employed in any of a wide variety of businesses as marketing and the digital economy is embedded in every corner of our lives. KIB. Dr. Uwe Neumann (RWI - Halle Institute for Economic Research) MSc Project Management is delivered part-time online. (2 PM + 3 WPM) und 3. Professional and Intercultural Development. Abteilung Bauwissenschaften WS 2020 / 2021: 02.11.20 – 12.02.21 Seite 3 von 3 PO 2016 Master-Studiengang Stand 02.11.2020 PM = Pflichtmodul WPM = Wahlpflichtmodul Vertiefung „Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau“ 2. About the courseThe MSc consists of a structured programme of lectures, classes, and tutorials from October to June, followed by individual study and the writing of a dissertation over the summer. Dipl.-Geogr. Abteilung Bauwissenschaften SS 2020: 06.04. Description. Telefon +49 201 183 2774. The MSc can be studied in any of the subjects listed below, and may be taken by a combination of coursework and thesis, or by thesis only. Prof. Dr. Alf Monjour Fachsemester (1 PM + 3 WPM + 1 WM) Präsenz Online / Verschoben ins SS Zeit FREITAG FREITAG Zeit WPM WM 08 - 09 Geotechnik 5 Numerical … Universitätsstr 2 45117 Essen . A dissertation … The overarching aim - notwithstanding the need for interdisciplinary qualifications - is an in-depth education in a specific disciplinary culture, which allows students to make productive contributions in demanding work environments. PD Dr. Ani Melkonyan bauwiss@uni-due.de. International Students: Due to recent changes in funding from Health Education England, we are no longer able to consider international students. In addition to the teaching provided specifically for the VMMA programme, you will also be able to attend lectures in social anthropology to link your work to broader trends in the … Frau Claudia Besecke claudia.besecke@uni-due.de. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to existing fields of research, or to begin to develop new areas. 1 0 obj Dissertation Environmental MSc; Please note: not all option modules run every year. MSc(Eur) - Master of Science (European) ... Due to the flexibility of Latin word order, there are two schools in the abbreviation of doctor's degrees. Raum: V15 S04 C53. Infos für Schüler. In lectures, seminars and excursions, economic, environmental and cultural forces that shape and are shaped by technology are discussed side by side with real-world rural-urban developments such as changes in Global Food-Supply, Migration, Urban Structure or Smart Cities. Les étudiants devront, tout au long du jeu, prendre des décisions opérationnelles et surmonter différents défis commerciaux. PGDip . Birgit Sattler Bei Fragen rund um das Studieren in den Bauwissenschaften an der UDE hilft dir gerne der Fachschaftsrat Bau weiter. �����ה�������ʠw�K�ܷ�u���_�7��u�'�U�d���?�Է{zܶ������_����B��&�a$��a)x�����}��m�|�?l�xтq9��[#E��̦���ޥ�j'1��Y����Ѝ���w���V�����@j84���ut��n��Ű�)�=�t��}7js�產�����R���'YoB���'v~\d��Cٺ��mt�i���m�n��$�c�<5t2���3T?�{�����������4¶v��z��U������6s|Xa�a�:��l#���z7���[}��>mS �T��8n}x(�:´>�G�ͷq�U����^:Ͷ�jHb��q�Gqj�'�^>�v��|L�������ӛ�ä�����Q������m��>��D�`�Χ��}\�>�N!-�|e_΋9}������c�?�������az�U�OmfL�xKG�ހaE��/j����%� ����2-��7���p������ 듋�F;߻�������)P����!,pK�[+9$N��#%3_��v;;��_�����Sa�0�.���@tW�!ch�7u׸�!2��/��ݷ�.~NqcZF>������Tز�&�АWf����[����odx���s��$\���ōw��9��t�ަZ>��=Xyf���9�BXeꔽ�Ow�����@���L� Our MSc International Business graduates find jobs all over the globe. And our most important services will continue: We are processing all incoming applications including your mail. La gestion interculturelle est une approche pluridisciplinaire des problèmes de communication et de compréhension rencontrés dans les interactions entre les individus et les … Many training opportunities are available throughout the course, including seminar series throughout the department and a world-class annual visiting speaker programme, but the focus of the course is the research project. V15 R00 G45. ��ñȨ�>\�~9������:����c���ð�>�[3E�ē {�Ȇ�������Q�M}J����%d��PX��^d� ���� k���f�G2�p�Z$��{�E[�؋��;�/{�Cx������$>+��y=�s�W���y�D˟=��}lz�f)����$:^��h��uܡ�a��CǛ94�(94˜z��O���j9����D��� �`]�Ux7���%�� It will provide you with an advanced interdisciplinary understanding of economic and financial concepts and their application to legal topics. Birkbeck makes all reasonable efforts to deliver educational services, modules and programmes of study as described on our website. 2 0 obj The Data Science MSc has been accredited by the RSS. MSc - Master of Science. <> MSc … In times of growing dependencies and dynamic development processes between technology and society, the city has become the main stage and breeding ground for new technological trends. The language of instruction in the Master's Programme "Sustainable Urban Development” is English. Lecturers involved: Professors in Charge and Lecturers Involved, About the Role of Technology in the Master Programme Sustainable Urban Development, Technology in the Context of Sustainable Urban Systems, Advanced Research in Urban Systems (ARUS). DPhil, DLitt). They can choose from a from a wide range of courses on offer in the following areas: Accounting and Taxation, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing and Sales as well as Operations … The MSc combines a highly analytic academic core with tailor-made practical applications derived from collaboration with … The programme addresses the dynamic challenges faced throughout the world due to rapid urbanisation processes. The two ancient universities of England split on this: at Cambridge, D follows the faculty (e.g. Einführungskurse für zukünfitige Studierende … Dipl.-Umweltwiss. They work in a variety of sectors such as marketing, HR, operations and supply chain, finance, and in diverse industries, including fashion, education, hospitality, … Chef de file mondial dans le transport de conteneurs, MSC, qui démarra comme une petite entité dotée d'un seul navire, est aujourd'hui une entreprise mondialement reconnue, disposant d'une flotte de 560 navires et de plus de 70 000 employés. Etudiants - DU. PhD Chin Ken Wong NETZ Room 4.09a +49 203 / 379-8218 chin.kenwong@uni-due.de. Le CNED vous propose une série de préparations qui s'adaptent à votre niveau pour affronter les examens des concours de la … It holds all the materials, tools and support you’ll need in your studies. %PDF-1.7 Therefore, the urban transition process needs experts who not only contribute to developing new technologies but also anticipate alterations and collapses of as hitherto established system boundaries and combat the use of technology for illicit purposes. PhD, LittD. The first year involves mainly coursework and preliminary research preparation. x��}k�&�q�w���s��W����l�q��ڑ�6� c�HX�3R�������K6��l�n�yl.����~����"����~0��u�M�v���0��~���}r�wO~���������G�����}��_���}���_���W[�O~�����m�m����?�o����6��a�MK_o��΃~��r����t������_}���>��� z|�O?�����������W�������և7��?�Oo�������+�d��p{�߷��Ӈ|�m�݇�>A� �a�!^x�5��_v����jy��[ts]���O��_m�_z�/? Raum. About the courseThe MSc in Law and Finance (MLF) is taught jointly by the Law Faculty and the Saïd Business School. vector analysis and numerical mathematics), advanced principles of physics (e.g. The MSc Sustainable Planning programme for 2019/2020 consists of three courses in MSc Sustainable Planning, MSc Sustainable Planning and Environmental Management and MSc Sustainable Planning and Transport. ), while at Oxford the D precedes the faculty (e.g. Prof. Dr Jan Wehrheim This course is offered on a full-time basis only, over 9 months following the academic year from September to June. In the Master's programme "Sustainable Urban Development", seven courses (5 ECTS credits each) from the fields of urban planning, engineering and the natural sciences provide training (among other areas) in sustainable urban planning, logistics, energy systems, technology management,  urban ecology, urban climatology and energy economics. 3 0 obj

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